Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pat Bell's Top Ten from Sept 17th, 2011

1. There is a great article and YouTube video on the current tallest building here:

The first step in the process and the one that was announced on Thursday is a “Request for Expressions of Interest”. The deadline for this phase is Oct 6, 2011 and we are expecting that “Respondents will be expected to provide input and commentary on the use of innovative and alternative wood products and their associated implications on the design, construction and ongoing maintenance of the WIDC. In addition, this RFEOI is intended to solicit feedback from industry on the broader issues of ownership and financing options.”

2. The WIDC will be located in downtown Prince George and will promote expertise in advanced building systems, engineered wood products, interior wood design and applications, and other value-added wood products.

3. The Facility will house academic and research programs focused on advancing B.C.’s expertise in wood related products, and highlight new and innovative wood building products and techniques.

4. The University of Northern British Columbia and other post-secondary institutions are examining programming options, such as housing the university’s future engineering program and a research chair on tall wood construction.

5. The remaining building space will be available to the private sector for retail, residential and commercial leasing space.

6. The Facility will be an iconic wood building that will highlight new and innovative wood building products and techniques.

7. Scheduled for completion in late 2014, it is proposed that the Facility will achieve the status of the tallest multi-use wood building in the world

8. Discussions will focus on balancing opportunities for wood innovation with public safety as expressed in building codes and standards. In achieving innovation at the WIDC, interested parties will also need to consider their engagement with key stakeholders such as the Office of the Fire Commissioner, emergency response community, and building code specialists.

9. The Wood Innovation and Design Centre project has several objectives:

a) Develop capacity in the engineering sector for building large, non-residential and multi-use buildings
utilizing wood;
b) Bring together builders, architects, designers and engineers to advance the commercialization of
value-added wood building and design products;
c) Amplify B.C.’s expertise and global reputation as leaders in wood construction, engineered wood
products and design;
d) Support the revitalization of downtown Prince George;
e) Build an iconic building, incorporating innovative design, materials (i.e., CLT) and construction; and

f) Foster collaboration between post-secondary institutions, industry and governments.

10 The City of Prince George will allow the land occupied by the Prince George Hotel to be the new home of the Wood Innovation and Design Centre. Construction of the centre should begin by 2012.

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