Friday, September 2, 2011

End of Week News

In Williams Lake:

* Letter writer expresses his disappointment in the deteriorating health-care system - see here
* Deer population issue "public perception than fact" - see here
* Local business getting a jump on graffiti, when it occurs - see here

In Quesnel:

* New bus service to "Westland" area of Quesnel on Tuesday - see here
* Thapar to Sjostrom: "Back it up" - see here

Editor's Note - Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar's antics on Quesnel Municipal Council spending is getting more and more petty by the day and I personally regret that he is taking the "low road", but I'm pleased to see that Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom is trying her best to stay "above the fray" with Mr. Thapar's personal attacks against her

* Bob Simpson: "Stay Active on other political matters" - see here

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