Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interesting Graffiti Picture

As the old saying goes -- "A Picture is worth a thousand words"

But the inscription in the picture to the left is

"Buff this if you support Local Graffiti"

Wonder if the City of Williams Lake will try to get this removed...


  1. I thought the City had a fairly successful graffiti removal bylaw going, what happened?

  2. Thanks for your comment...

    Yes - the Graffiti Bylaw still exists with all of its' requirements, "provided someone files a complaint with regard to this piece of graffiti, with the City of Williams Lake"

    Interesting that an individual was able to get up and "tag" that wall. Must be one flexible individual...

  3. Why doesnt the City get proactive on this stuff and start cleaning it up before someone has to complaen about it.?

  4. Thanks for your comments...

    Some food for thought though - instead of graffiti removal being complaint driven

    How would you all feel if the City did graffiti removal, as a City service (just like grass cutting, etc), rather than wait for complaints to come in to remove unwanted graffiti


  5. If no one has complained then they must not be too peeved about it and it should be left alone. It looks better than a bit white square of coverup paint that doesn't match the wall anyways.
