Thursday, September 22, 2011

Out of Control Municipal Spending at WL/Quesnel City Halls? (Updated)

Phillip Hochstein, President of the Independent Contractors and Business Association of BC or ICBA argued yesterday and today that spending at municipal halls in British Columbia.  See his interview with the Rush here

However - the ICBA numbers' are similar to what the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) had in their "Municipal Spending Report 2010" (see their report in full here) when they cited the following:

Quesnel (2000-2008):

Difference between spending and population/inflation growth: 6.83 times
Money saved if spending limited to population/inflation growth: $2,283 for family of 4

Williams Lake (2000-2008):

Difference between spending and population/inflation growth: 3.94 times
Money saved if spending limited to population/inflation growth: $1,489

So far - there has been no response from the Cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake CAO's or their elected officials...

Update - Sept 23rd at 1:10pm:

Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom responds to the ICBA report here
WL Mayor Kerry Cook responds to the ICBA report here

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