Thursday, September 22, 2011

Should bear spray/dangerous weapons be regulated locally?

Over at Welcome to Williams Lake - they report that WL RCMP Detachment Commander Warren Brown states that bear spray was used in one criminal activity and may have been used in an attempted robbery - see here

As Mr. Brown states in the article - the City of Williams Lake is looking into the mechanics of a "Dangerous Weapons" Bylaws for the City.  However, I would argue that without a provincial ban, a local "Dangerous Weapons" bylaw will have no teeth because others' will go to another community to acquire those same "dangerous weapons" to be used back home.  In addition - people have used common materials to make "home bombs".  Why don't we regulate the sale of bleach, pencils, pens, etc as they can be used in the making of weapons as well.  How far should society go to regulate what can be acquired for personal use, in the name of protecting society as a whole?



  1. What a lame argument. Heaven forbid they try something to help fight crime around here. What's your bright idea? Do you have any ideas, or just sit on your computer and complain about other people?

  2. Thank you for your comment...

    However - I don't agree that the premise of my argument is "lame" but is based on reality and based on what will occur if this City puts into place a "Dangerous Weapon" bylaw but other jurisdictions do not.

    Our energy is better served to convince both Victoria and other local jurisdictions with similiar issues to prohibit possession of both machetes/bear spray and other dangerous weapons. This, in my view, is a better way to approach the issue of eliminating the use of these weapons in home invasions and other criminal activity...


  3. Steve your argument is faulty. By banning the sale of this item in Williams Lake, others such as your mighty Quesnel and OMH take notice, much like the grow op bylaw in Surrey and the current motorcycle noise bylaw in edmonton. Other community professionals who write bylaws pay attention to this and begin to get the ball rolling in their municiality. See Steve, this is how educated people who are hired by the city and do there job work - by researching and not dreaming up crap without any backing.

    So ya, pass the bylaw, absolutely, and other municipalities will take notice. May not stop the problem but last time i checked, hand guns were restricted and yet a few fall into the wrong hands. But now theres alot of effort into getting a once readily available item and they will have to work to develop their newest and dumbest weapon.....

    And finally, you can make a bomb out of about anything, but need BRAINS to do it.

  4. 1.
    The idea of banning the sale of bear spray is just DUMB. Why should the merchants that supply fishermen, campers and outdoors people not be able to provide the equipment that is required?
    HOW ABOUT making the USER responsible? How about charging and convicting someone of the use of an OFFENSIVE weapon?
    WHO is going to ENFORCE the bylaw? City Bylaw Enforcement? So merchants can sell the stuff after 4:30 PM and on Saturdays and Sundays, when city staff don't work? Or maybe the RCMP ? Who already ignore ALL bylaw infractions?
    Anyone who thinks this proposed bylaw is workable or enforceable is dreaming.

  5. Maybe Williams Lake City Bylaws should actually do enforcement cause right now all i see is a bunch of lip service as upper management controls the level of operations....weak and pointless. Should be more like Kamloops or Kelowna where they are quasi police. Cheaper and are already peace officers under the police act.

  6. I believe that Mr. Forseth has some valid points. Although Bear Spray is in fact a weapon used to protect people against bears, it is criminals and their misuse that is causing the problem. AND once bear spray is taken away, they will find a new weapon to attack with for robbing the 7-11 or what have you. Harper is bringing in new prisons for a reason, not because of bear spray, but because of the people who are violent criminals who need to be put away for a long time maybe with work hardening programs as well. I carry bear spray and bear bangers and a spear while walking in the woods. I am doing my best to protect myself against being attacked by a bear or cougar. God forbid I would need to do so. But I do feel more safer than without. It is criminals in WL that are causing the problems, not the bear spray. Get rid of the criminals, the problem is solved.
