Sunday, September 11, 2011

Upcoming Items at Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Sept 14th

On Wednesday, the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, whose membership is made of up of the CRD Directors for Electoral Areas D, E, F, J and K and Williams Lake Mayor/Council

 See the Agenda here (courtesy of CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff).

 Editor's Note - Why the City of Williams Lake refuses to ensure that the Joint Committee Agenda is made available to the public (they are responsible for Joint Committee Agenda preparation from July-December with the CRD responsible for the same from January - June), like it does for Williams Lake Council and Committee of the Whole (WL Council) is downright appalling (but I'll give them credit in 2010 for making 2 Joint Committee Agendas available for the meetings in November/December 2010). At least, the Cariboo Regional District is dead serious about making all Agendas available to the public, no matter what the meeting is (Joint Committee, Rural Caucus, Finance Committee, CRD Board and Policy Session/Committee of the Whole)

 On the Agenda:

1) Financial Review of Sam Ketcham Pool

Final Cost of Pool Shutdown (June 30th - Aug 15th) - $98,500

Cost Breakdown: 

Pool Repair Cost - $20,000
Swimming Lesson Revenue Loss - $30,000
Admission Revenue Loss - $23,000
Group Pass Revenue Loss - $24,000
Chemical/Water Use - $5,000
Other Revenue Loss - $7,500

In a normal year, the facility does shut down for a "maintenance period" right now, however with this latest hit, there is no word (in Geoff Paynton's report) if the recent $50,000 from the cancelled Business Plan for an Indoor Turf Facility can be applied against this or not, but he does have an ominous warning for the politicians, as follows:

The total financial impact of the recent shutdown when both negative and positive costs are factored is approximately $98,500. There is little chance much of this negative impact will be made up in revenue during the remainder of the fiscal year. Expenses are being closely examined and cost saving options are being implemented as much as possible however without significant service reductions additional significant cost savings are unlikely 

 2) Future Direction of the Sam Ketcham Pool

 Geoff Paynton reports on various options which could include everything from "Status Quo", to minor repairs, consisting of repairing the main water tank/aging mechanical equipment (price tag for this could range between $450,000 - $650,000). Underground piping can not be repaired because of pool design that goes back to the 80's when the Sam Ketcham Pool was originally designed. One other option on the table is to begin planning for a new Pool, including use of a "Community Charette", see the definition from Wikipedia here but simply put, it is a "unique" type of planning to solve an issue. Again - why not use the established Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee. Its' former predecessor - the Parks and Recreation Commission - did a very good job at holding Annual Forums with the public on Recreation Priorities and why taxpayers' have to pay for an consultant to do the same thing doesn't make sense....?

 3) Recreation Priorities

 Geoff Paynton will report on the history of this topic including:

 a) Multi-Centre (cost noted at $35 million plus) (note - Quesnel still working on financing on this, 3 years after a successful referendum with no success from Ottawa/Victoria)
 b) Performing Arts Facility
c) New Curling Rinks
d) Gymnastics Facility
e) Phase 2 for the CMRC (last word on costing in late 2009 was $16 million)
f) Indoor Turf Facility (cost roughly $6-8 million)

 With about $1.034 million to pay off for Phase 1 at CMRC (due to be paid off in 2016), the City of Williams Lake taxpayers' having $19.6 million in long-term debt yet to pay off, I think now is the time to "cool down" and pay down debt, rather than going on a big spending spree - given debt concerns throughout the world including the US, Europe (Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain) and Japan. Finally - I think we have a problem when the City is WL is spending close to $1.58 million on long term debt of $19.6 million

 4) Letter re: Scout Island Funding

 Margaret Alexander from Australia (the country) on August 29th, 2011 about Scout Island funding, as follows: (Letter written here in case the letter can not be read)

 Last month, I visited Williams Lake Scout Island Nature Centre and was very impressed and happy to see such a marvelous asset for the City and surrounding area - especially as a former resident, I watched the beginnings of this wonderful and great educational facility 

 Visiting and chatting with friends about the Nature Centre/Scout Island - I was horrified to hear a rumour that the funding may be cut I can't empathize enough what a great loss it would be if the "services" were to be cut, especially for the education of the children and future generations of the City, visitors, and tourists to the Williams Lake area and other parts of the Cariboo

I agree wholeheartedly with Ms. Alexander and hope that this "rumour" never comes to fruition

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