Thursday, October 27, 2011

CCACS asks election candidates questions on Arts and my response...

On their Facebook page - the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society (see their Facebook page here) is asking election candidates about the Arts & Culture Sector with the following questions:

1) How will you advocate for the Arts?
2) What is your vision for the Arts and Culture (sector)?
3) What measures will you put in place to ensure and sustain arts and culture’s contribution to our community?
4) What is your stance on investment in the arts?

My response:

1) As we know - we have the local Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society (CCACS) and they've done a good job advocating for their members' needs, after one year in existence.  Further, I believe politicians should allow those in the Arts and Culture sector to come forward for their needs, from time to time, and then we (politicians) should step out of the way and allow the sector to grow without political interference.

2) Again - I am aware of the CCACS is right now in the process of developing a Strategic Vision and the public/candidates should allow this process to unfold.  But I personally would be looking to see in that vision things like helping the Station House Gallery to flourish and grow, plans for a future Performing Arts facility, given the unstable future of Glendale Elementary where the WL Studio Theatre Society puts on its shows and how to achieve a sustainable Arts and Culture sector in the Central Cariboo

3) Again - the CCACS, as per their contract with the Cariboo Regional District, puts together its' Business/Financial Plans as Manager of the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function that the Central Cariboo Joint Committee will consider each year as part of the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function.  Above that - if there is a discussion about raising the current $200,000 tax threshold for the local Arts and Culture Function in the future, that an appropriate public consultation process, including considering submitting this question to the electorate through a referendum, will be used to discuss a need to increase the taxation for this Function, if $200,000 is insufficient for the needs of the CCACS.

4) My personal opinion is that investment in the arts must be considered, in the context of the overall budget for local governments (City of WL/CRD).  This theorem also applies at both of the provincial and federal levels.  There are many competing interests on budgets on a local, provincial and federal level and sometimes groups may have to be told "no" in one year but could be told "yes" in the next year

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