Thursday, October 27, 2011

CRD Finance/Budget Meeting #1 (2012 Business/Financial Plans)


Chair A. Dumaresq with Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Bischoff, Mazur, Sorley, Richmond, Glassford, Mumford, Rattray, Campsall and Alt Director Zacharias (City of WL)


Directors Bracewell, Vermette, and Sjostrom

Staff Present:

J. Bell – CAO
R. Hodgson – Deputy CAO
S. Reid – CFO

Meeting called to order at 1:03pm
Agenda adopted

CAO J. Bell reviewed her & CFO’s report on 2012-2016 Summary of Proposed Business/Financial Plans for all Functions


1)      Review of 2012 Business Plans for the CCRHD/CRHD (Regional Hospital Districts)

Discussion ensued thereon
Committee Action – That the 2012 CCRHD/CRHD Business Plans be endorsed

2)      Review of All Business/Financial Plans with requisition over,at or less than 2% or no requisition changes or decrease in requisition or with no taxation

Business/Financial Plans for the following Functions were reviewed:

a)      Red Bluff Fire
b)      WL Rural Fire Protection/WL Rural Fire Protection (Phase 2)
c)       Emergency 9-1-1
d)      Wildwood Fire Protection
e)      150 Mile Fire Protection
f)       Lone Butte Fire Protection (Staff were directed to put $3,000 into Capital Reserves)
g)      Wells Fire Protection
h)      Central Cariboo Search and Rescue
i)        Emergency Planning
j)        Esler Streetlighting (Staff asked to look into LED lighting)
k)      McLeese Lake Recreational Facilities Service
l)        Bylaw Enforcement
m)    Building Inspection
n)      Central Cariboo Cemetery
o)      Admin Services (New Goal: Internal Audit w/$30,000 budget – 20,000 from EA Admin and 10,000 from General Admin and amend Goal #2- continue use of admail for Board on the Road and Town Hall meetings w/social media use and New Goal – develop Program for Promotional Items)
p)      Rural Refuse

Meeting recessed at 4:09pm
Meeting resumed at 4:16pm

Consideration of Reports:

1)      Level 3 Corporate Priorities

Discussion ensued thereon
Committee Action – Staff requested to report on relevance of Forest Planning Policy and completion of Ag/Forestry Policy

2)      Proposed New Criteria for Opportunity/Special Initiatives Funds

Director Rattray (Policy Chair) reviewed the report of the CAO with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Amendment #1 – Change proposed policies with 2/3’s Majority Vote and cap “recharging” the Special Projects/Directors’ Initiative Funds at $3,000 per year

Amendment #2 – Maintain “Status Quo”

A vote was taken on Amendment #2 which Carried with Directors Richmond/Mumford opposed
A vote was taken on Amendment #1 (2/3’s majority vote of Board only) which Carried with Directors Faust and Bischoff opposed

The main motion, as amended, Carried.  The motion as passed was:

That the Finance/Budget Committee recommend to the Board that the existing policies be rescinded and replaced with the proposed Special Project Fund and Director Initiative Fund policies with a 2/3’s Majority Vote of the Board required and allow the Special Project/Director Initiative Funds to have a maximum requisition of $5,000 with no restriction as to how much can be put into the Funds each year, subject to the ceiling of $5,000 each year

3)      New Format for the CFO Report

Discussion ensued thereon
Committee Action – Report of CFO received

4)      Approval of Business/Financial Plans

Committee Action – That the Business/Financial Plans, as considered earlier today, be endorsed

The Committee adjourned at 5:03pm

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