Thursday, October 27, 2011

Outcome of Quesnel All Candidates Forum - Thurs Oct 27th

Quesnel Mayoral Candidates (Craigmyle, Paull and Sjostrom) gave 3 minute opening statements with the 10 Councillor candidates (Roodenburg, Coleman, Thapar, Cave, Vik, Brisco, Kainth, Gulbransen, Delves, Elliot) giving 2 minute opening statements

Editor's Note - I was intrigued that Ron Paull felt it necessary to notify all present that Lori Scott resigned today as the City of Quesnel Chief Election Officer.  Not sure what value there was for that statement...

Questions asked include: (Each candidate given minute and a half to respond)

Round 1

1) How to get aboriginal youth involved in Quesnel? (Question to Ron Craigmyle)
2) What is Plan ‘B’ for the Multi-Centre (Question to Ron Paull)
3) Will the City forfeit property taxes in lieu of fixing the West Quesnel Land Stability issue? (Question to Mary Sjostrom)
4) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to John Briscoe)
5) How do you propose to keep up with infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) in the City of Quesnel (Question to Mike Cave)
6) If elected, would you support a “phased-in” approach to build the Multi-Centre? (Question to Ed Coleman)
7) How do you propose to keep up with infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) in the City of Quesnel (Question to Cory Delves)
8) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to Scott Elliot)
9) How do you propose to keep up with infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) in the City of Quesnel (Question to Trevor Gulbransen)
10) Waste of time/money to resolve divide on Quesnel Council? (Question to Paul Kainth)
11) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to Laurey-Anne Roodenburg)
12) How do you propose to resolve the West Quesnel Land Stability issue? (Question to Sushil Thapar)
13) Why would voting for you to Quesnel City Council be a step in the right direction? (Question to Mitch Vik)

Round 2:

1) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to Ron Craigmyle)
2) Should regular reporting of open/closed Council meetings’ be done? (Question to Ron Paull)
3) If elected, would you support a “phased-in” approach to build the Multi-Centre? (Question to Mary Sjostrom)
4) If elected, would you support a “phased-in” approach to build the Multi-Centre? (Question to John Briscoe)
5) How many Quesnel Council meetings did you miss? (Question to Mike Cave)
6) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to Ed Coleman)
7) How do you propose to bring new industry and jobs to Quesnel (Question to Cory Delves)
8) If elected, would you support a “phased-in” approach to build the Multi-Centre? (Question to Scott Elliot)
9) If elected, would you support a “phased-in” approach to build the Multi-Centre? (Question to Trevor Gulbransen)
10) If elected, will you attend only one meeting a week? (Question to Paul Kainth)
11) What have you accomplished in your 1st term on Quesnel Council? (Question to Laurey-Anne Roodenburg)
12) If elected – how will you support the Miss Quesnel and similar programs? (Question to Sushil Thapar)
13) How do you propose to keep up with infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) in the City of Quesnel? (Question to Mitch Vik)

Mayoralty Candidates (Sjostrom, Paull and Craigmyle) gave 4 minute closing statements
Councillor candidates (Roodenburg, Coleman, Thapar, Cave, Vik, Brisco, Kainth, Gulbransen, Delves, and Elliot) gave 3 minute closing statements

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