Monday, October 17, 2011

Fluoride Open House - Oct 27th from 5-8pm

From the City of Williams Lake:

As part of the City’s efforts to raise awareness in Williams Lake about the water fluoridation referendum – part of the Municipal Election, Nov. 19 – the City’s Water Committee will host a public Open House at the Fire Hall, Oct. 27, from 5 to 8 p.m.

Representatives from the local dental community as well as Dr. James Beck, MD, PhD, of the University of Calgary and author of The Case Against Fluoride will attend and will be available to answer questions and discuss issues with members of the public.

The Open House will be an informal event where residents may fill in a short survey on water fluoridation and also learn more about the City’s water supply from Water and Waste staff.

Williams Lake is one of only 8 communities in BC to fluoridate their water. However, most recently the City has learned that the cost to add fluoride to the local water supply is going up, from $22,000 per year to approximately 94,000/year. City Council has approved a referendum question to be included on the Municipal Election ballot November 19.

Residents will be asked to consider the following:

The cost to add fluoride to the City’s water system is increasing from $22,000 per year to approximately $94,000 per year. Are you in favour of the City continuing to add fluoride to its water supply?

A public information and consultation campaign is underway, and will continue for the next several weeks. Residents can send their questions or thoughts to or visit

Residents may also participate in a two to three minute online survey by clicking the SURVEY link on the water fluoridation web page -

For more information please contact:

Joe Engelberts - Manager of Water/Waste
The City of Williams Lake
Ph: 250 392-1785

1 comment:

  1. I can't see why any community would want to spend that amount of money on a non-pharmaceutical grade industrial waste by-product of the fertilizer (or aluminum) industry that doesn't have ONE double-blind, peer-reviewed study that it is either effective or safe when ingested. It's nothing more than pollution people are paying to have dumped into the public water supply.
