From the Rush:
First nations groups are in Ottawa starting today to try and pressure government officials into cancelling an environmental review of Taseko Mine’s latest Prosperity mine proposal.
Tl’etinqox-T’in Tribal Chair and Chief Joe Alphonse says he and others will be meeting with various government people, the Assembly of First Nations, various environmental groups and media outlets.
Alphonse and his colleagues are not pleased Ottawa has decided to review another mine application. In fact he calls the latest proposal “a joke, a farce, and a manipulation of government process.”
Ottawa recently announced they would start a new environmental review process no later than November 7th.
I regret profoundly Mr. Alphonse's comments and I would have hoped that he would allow the federal review process to go forward to review Taseko Mines's 2nd Prosperity Mine proposal and postively engage himself and the TNG (Chilcotin National Gov't) in that review
That man's attitude annoys me to no end. Nothing like standing in the way of economical progress because you got your feelings hurt.