Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kerry Cook focussed on Task Forces, not Jobs

WL Council at their meeting last night approved the appointments to the new Business Expansion and Attraction Task Force with Councillor Rathor opposed.  The Task Force will be meeting today at 7am.  It was noted that other Councillors could attend, if they wish

See the story from the Rush here

However, Williams Lake Mayoralty Candidate Scott Nelson noted the following, after the meeting:

Why is Mayor Kerry Cook focussed on Task Forces/Committees and not focussed on protecting jobs.  An example of this:

60 jobs at Zellers....gone.  Why didn't Mayor Cook pick up the phone and protect those 60 jobs, rather than studying things to death

Update - See a video on this topic from Scott Nelson here

My own take:

1) As Councillor Rathor noted - is Mayor Cook stretching herself too thin?  Example of this - she and her two Alternates failed to attend the CRD Board Meeting of October 6th

2) I don't see a process selection process for the Committee, other than a staff report which none of my readers will get to read online because of the continuing issues with the City's "CivicWeb" server which provides online access to Council or Committee of the Whole Agendas.

3) How were decisions made about who gets to sit on the Task Force.  I further note that Ray Sanders - TRU Director is a member of the Task Force.  How was that decision made, independent of the Mayor who works at TRU and why not declare a conflict and leave the room so that the decision has the appearance of being done without no undue influence on Council


  1. This from the guy who brought in Wal-Mart? It was always going to kill off Zellers.

  2. i find it sad that you try and pin Zellers a large corporate entity, on Cook. That just shows your lack of class and credibility. Zellers was leaving regardless of any call from anyone. It was poorly run, overpriced, and poorly situated. Target bought them and made a strategic decision to close, simple as that.

  3. Your silence says it all Steve.
