Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Scott Nelson: Tax Rollback of 0-0-0 over next 3 years

At last night's WL Council, Council adopted, with Councillor Rathor opposed, financial planning guidelines for the 2012-2015 5 Yr Financial Planning which calls, of all things, tax increases of 2-3% in 2012 to 2016 consecutively.  This would be that by 2016, resident will have been exposed to consecutive tax increases of 25% over 7 years, if full implemented.

Scott Nelson, Williams Lake Mayoralty Candidate, after the meeting, declared the following:

While profoundly disappointed at this Council's financial decision on the 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan Guidelines, I declare to the residents of Williams Lake that if I'm elected as Mayor on November 19th - the next Council will have a fiscal policy of a 0% tax increase for years 2012 to 2014 inclusive and it will be delivered on

Update - See Scott Nelson discussing this more on video here


  1. Ha ha ha this from the mayor who raised taxes 10% and added 12 million to the debt!
    Who is gonna believe him?

  2. so is this how Nelson plans to bankrupt the whole community along with getting his cronies fat at the troff? No tax increase to keep up with the costs in general is IRRISPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT and Nelson should be ashamed at pandering to those who dont understand economics.

  3. Yah right.....he'll say anything to get elected.

  4. talk about bankrupting the city.

  5. When your morally bankrupt, its easy to cost the voters everything.
