Thursday, November 3, 2011

1st Mayoral Forum - Williams Lake

This afternoon - before 68 people, Scott Nelson, Walt Cobb and current WL Mayor Kerry Cook outlined their platforms and what they would do for the City of Williams Lake as Mayor at a forum co-hosted by the local Chamber of Commerce/BC Northern Real Estate Board held at Beeotcheese's Restaurant from 11:30am - 1:30pm

Each candidate received 3 minutes for their opening statement and 5 minutes for their closing statements

Questions asked included:

* Overspending
* Economic Development
* Industrial Taxation and how to solve it?
* Municipal Auditor General
* How to have an open and transparent local government

All-in-all - a friendly debate but at the end, sparks clearly flew between Scott Nelson/Kerry Cook with their closing statements

The best line was delivered from Walt Cobb - "one mayor left the barn door open (Nelson) and the other let the horse out (Cook)" in reference to the Fire Hall Budget Overruns

Next forum for the Mayoralty Candidates - 7pm Monday at Thompson Rivers' University where I'm told that all 3 Mayoralty Candidates will be present (Cook, Cobb and Nelson) contrary to what was reported in today's WL Tribune

Update - Video from the forum today (courtesy of Williams Lake Tribune) - see here, herehere, here and here

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