Thursday, November 3, 2011

WL News - Nov 3rd edition

In CRD Election News - Joan Sorley (see here) and Deb Bischoff (see here) explain their future plans, now that they've been re-elected by acclamation (unopposed).  Meanwhile - Alex Bracewell explains why he wants to stay on as the Area 'J' Director - see here

Tracey Gard elected WL & District Chamber of Commerce President - see here
Zellers is staying put, says Hudson Bay Company - see here
Poverty walk Friday (see here) and Prosperity Mine info event, put on by Xeni Gwet'in Band (Nemiah Valley), on Tuesday - see here

Marilyn Bapiste (Xeni Gwet'in Indian Band Chief) says "Get the facts on new Prosperity Mine proposal" in a letter to the editor - see here
Doug Wilson, in a letter to the editor, explains how new disc golf course in Wildwood (CRD Area 'D') can be an economic boost to the community - see here

Finally - last night, the 1st All Candidates Forum was held where 13 of the 14 WL City Councillor candidates were present (Sue Zacharias is on "family time" in Abbotsford).  See the story from Welcome to Williams Lake here and the Rush here

For myself - I was asked questions on:

1) Ensuring Scout Island is financially stable...
2) How to move forward on Economic Development
3) Future of this blog and my relationship with a re-elected Kerry Cook as Mayor & myself as a WL City Councillor
4) How to ensure a safe Boitanio Park?

On Point #3 - I was asked this by Lindsey Shewchuk (daughter of Laurie Walters).  As I explained to Ms. Shewchuk, should both myself and Kerry Cook be elected on Nov 19th - there would be a meeting, as is practice, after an election, and discuss how our relationship would work on WL City Council and expressing differences of opinion in private and how I would continue to operate my blog while respecting her office and respecting my oath of office (ie: not to disclose in-camera information prior to Council agreeing to make that information public, not to disclose any portion of the public hearing prior to 3rd Reading of a Zoning or OCP Amendment Bylaw), but let's be clear - this blog will continue, if I get elected, but changes will be necessary, given my new role.



  1. How utterly tasteless of Laurie Walters daughter to ask that question. But I would expect nothing else.
    What is quite funny is that people like Brian Carruthers, Cook and her following are blasting Scott Nelson and others sayong they are running on a hidden slate. What exactly are Cook, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias doing. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    This again is a highschool clique running our city. A bully is as a bully does...Zacharias and Cook are the worst offenders.

  2. There is always plants at a forum. The mayoral candidate form at Beeotcheese was a huge case in point. And the questions were so obviously designed to work against Cook and to make the other two look good. That was tasteless.

    The difference between the two camps who have people running with them is that the Nelson group are financially tied together. Not the case with Cook and the ones who believe she will do the best job.
