Wednesday, November 30, 2011

City of WL reports out on achieved 2008-2011 Corporate Goals

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

At its regular meeting last evening, Council received a final report of the 2011 ‘Step Ahead’ Corporate Priorities, which summarizes the City’s achievements in addressing each of the ten priorities Council set at the beginning of the 2008-2011 term. The list of achievements and progress is provided in a PDF document below.

A focused, strategic direction set by Council early in the term provided clear direction for staff, the ability to effectively monitor progress and achieve desired results,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “I am proud of the City staff, who implemented Council’s direction with hard work and dedication. They met or exceeded each one of the priorities’ goals. It is my expectation that we will build from that momentum to address the priorities of the newly elected council for the 2011-2014 term.”

View those here

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