Tuesday, November 29, 2011

WL Council Highlights - Nov 29th Meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Tom Chung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of November 1st, 2011 WL City Council meeting adopted


1) MLA Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin) appeared before Council to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Councillor Tom Barr
2) Lyndsey Carter and Mark Hamm appeared before Council re: "Restorative Justice Week"
3) Allison Ruault from Interior Health Authority appeared before Council to discuss health care system activities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin (Williams Lake/100 Mile House & Chilcotin Region)


a) Council received for information a report of the CAO regarding Step Ahead: 2008-2011 Corporate Priorities
b) Council approved an appropriation from surplus in the amount of $27,150 and provided early budget approval of $32,850 from the 2012 City of WL Budget to initiate the fabrication of a Rick Hansen Monument.

Editor's Note - I was disappointed in this decision.  If Council could not fundraise the money for this item to now, then the project should have been killed and other ways to honour Rick Hansen found instead... and not spending $60,000 for a statue at a time when we need to cut spending, not spend money like there's no tomorrow.  See story from the Rush on this here

Pls remember we have the local Recreation Complex vision/financing discussions yet to come.  See below excerpt from the Nov 29th WL Council Meeting video and judge for yourself if Council made the right decision:

c) Council received the 2011 Local Government Election results report
d) Council received the results of the Fluoride Referendum and directed that adding fluoride to the City’s water supply be discontinued
e) After receiving no public input – Council approved Development Permit #6-2011 (BCR Properties/West Fraser Mills)
f) After receiving no public input – Council approved Development Variance Permit #9-2011 (David Cassidy – 1125 Latin Ave)
g) Council awarded the Elevator Maintenance Service Contract to Kone Inc. for the bid price of $330 per month for three elevators and $360 quarterly for two passenger lifts. The three elevators are located at City Hall, the Tourism Discovery Centre and the Museum and the two passenger lifts are located at the Arts and Culture Centre and the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.
h) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel to Petro Canada for the tendered price of 1.1268 per litre and 1.3545 per litre respectively. All prices are based on a yearly consumption of 68,000 litres of unleaded and 97,000 litres of diesel.
i) Council accepted the GHG inventory report for information. Council also directed Staff to publicly report on the GHG inventory for 2010 by placing an update in the local newspaper and on the City of Williams Lake website; The draft SmartTool contract, as part of the Staff report, be considered by senior staff. A report outlining the benefits and options of the SmartTool program will return to Council to make a decision. Council will also consider in the 2012 budget process allocating the equivalent offset costs to a carbon neutral reserve fund.
j) Council gave first reading to Bylaw #2151 (Zoning Amendment) and referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations
k) Council referred Development Permit #6-2011 (Platform Properties – on Wal-Mart site) to the Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendations. Council will formally consider DP #6-2011 at its’ December 20th meeting
l) Council appointed the Cariboo Regional District building inspectors as the City building inspectors, on an interim basis, and that they authorize the Corporate Officer to sign the contract with the CRD for building inspection services. Council also will perform a “Service Review” on this service to ensure client satisfaction for residents/businesses of Williams Lake

m) Council awarded a three (3) year contract to print the Active Living Guide for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Web Express Inc. for the proposed price of $38,418.

n) Council supported an application for a Senior's Housing and Support Initiatives Grant from the 2012 Age-Friendly Community Planning and Project Grants fund administered by UBCM.

o) Council received the “Council Information Package” as of Nov 29th, as follows:

i) November 4, 2011 - Letter from Dr. Moira Stillwell, MLA Vancouver-Langara re 'Doctors for BC' - see here
ii) November 7, 2011 - Letter from Al Richmond, CRD Chair re: 2008-2011 Term - see here
iii) November 15, 2011 - BC Liberal Government Caucus News Release re Cariboo Region Grant in Lieu of Property Taxes - see here
iv) November 2011 - Information from Social Planning Council (meeting minutes, Yuletide Dinner Invitation) - see here
v) October 27, 2011 - Letter from FortisBC re Energy Inc. Franchise Fee Payment - see here
vi) November 1, 2011 - Letter from Ministry of Children & Family Development re Adoption Awareness - see here
vii) October 2011 - Letter from Nature Trust of BC re: 40th Anniversary of BC Nature Trust - see here

Councillor Tom Barr gave his “Farewell Speech” to Council

Mayor Cook asked Councillors Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias to hand in their Inaugural Speeches before the Inaugural Meeting of Williams Lake City Council on Tuesday, December 6th

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm

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