Wednesday, December 14, 2011

John Les: BC NDP going back to 'Tax 'n Spend 90's'

From John Les (Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier):

Today on CKNW's Bill Good Show, Adrian Dix acknowledged that he is considering jacking up personal income taxes on "high income levels".

"Before Adrian Dix and the NDP left office, a "high income" earner was classified as anyone making over $60,009 a year," said John Les, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier. "While Dix is eager to use rhetoric and vague statements to get his point across, he can't hide from the fact that average British Columbians suffered from a punitive tax regime the last time Dix had his way."

Let's take a look at tax rates in British Columbia.

• In British Columbia, a family earning $90,000 a year paid $5,988 in provincial income tax in 2001. Today the same family pays just $3,166 in provincial income tax – a cut of 47%.
• Similarly, a family of four earning $60,000 a year paid $3,272 in provincial income tax in 2001. Today, the same family pays $1,302 in provincial income tax – a 60% tax cut.

The tax cuts brought in by the BC Liberal government have put more money back in the pockets of hard working taxpayers. In fact, British Columbia's personal income taxes are the lowest in the country for individuals earning up to $119,000.

"Once again, Adrian Dix is hiding his true intentions under the guise of taxing 'high income' earners," said Les. "We saw his plan in action the last time the NDP were in power, creating the highest personal income tax regime in Canada and driving entrepreneurs and families out of British Columbia. The BC NDP treated taxpayers like their very own ATMs."

All levels of earners are far better off today than before the BC Liberal government took power in 2001. In fact, the lowest income earners no longer pay any provincial income tax.


  1. I'm sorry Steven, but this is just completely wrong, and I can't agree with this tripe.

    Adrian Dix is not the best leader - but he's miles ahead of Clarke's government. Clarke's government cares only for you IF you're in the top earning bracket - the lower - middle class is pounded down by harsh taxes, along with higher rates of living.

    As a school student myself, I barely have enough money to get by thanks to the wonderful liberal cuts of education.

    -Daniel French

  2. Carbon Tax ... increased costs for drivers licenses ... increased costs due to HST ... increased ferry costs ... increased Hydro costs ... increased parkeing fees at hospitals ... increased fees for parking at other government facilities ... increased green taxes and fees ... increased probate fees ... a soon to be implimented ICBC insuarnce rate increase... AND ON AND ON THE LIST GOES.

    Missleading the public isn't the same as lieing --- BUT it sure comes close :(
