Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Next Steps for new Solid Waste Management Plan

Courtesy of Cariboo Regional District's website:

The Cariboo Regional District thanks you for “talking trash!” Literally!

Close to 200 people attended one of 13 open houses during September and October. In addition, 
435 surveys were completed providing valuable feedback about plans for future programs to improve recycling, particularly for rural areas, composting and yard waste, wood waste management, illegal dumping as well as education programs.

The feedback from the open houses and the survey is being used to help guide decisions on what options to include in the region’s draft Solid Waste Management Plan. Next, the draft Plan will be presented to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee as well as the Board and member municipalities for consideration.

The open houses were held as part of the process to update the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP), as required by the Ministry of Environment. This plan provides direction for the types of garbage, recycling and other waste reduction programs we need to develop over the next 10 years. The goal is to create a plan with input from residents and businesses that will meet our needs for managing waste – for the good of our communities, our environment and our pocket books.

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