Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Prostitution Politics" and Unparliamentary Language

Yesterday, my uncle - Alan Forseth - looked at the idea around "Prostitution Politics" which you can read that blog post here.  One aspect of that blog post I want to review here though:

What a sad comment that is on how people feel about where things are these days with the operation of our political process in the BC legislature. Other than two independent MLA's, BC's political process involves just the NDP and the Liberals. Here are just a few of the things that they agree on:

1) Imposing the highest gas taxes in the country on the Lower Mainland
2) Wasting millions to subsidize electric cars
3) Making the average BC family pay more in taxes than in any province west of Quebec
4) Letting big union and corporate money control politics
5) Giving first nations vetoes over resource development
6) Treating our criminal justice system as an afterthought
7) Handing out juicy contracts to insiders and cronies

On Item #1 - the BC Legislature recently passed this at the request of the Mayors' Council on Transportation. A lot of folks thought that the incumbents Mayors' would be hurt by this but looking at the recent local elections - Mayors' in Surrey, Vancouver, City of Langley, for example, were all re-elected

On Item #5 - I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that fact that Victoria/Ottawa are obligated to consult with First Nations over resource development proposals as a result of a Supreme Court of Canada decision in 1997, commonly referred to as the "Delgamuukw Decision" of which you can read the highlights of this (courtesy of Wikipedia) here

Also - today, iPolitics released a list of unparliamentary words in response to Justin Trudeau's "sh" bomb launched at the Federal Environment Minister today during Question Period in Ottawa (Mr. Trudeau has since apologized).

My uncle has a good look at the list here

1 comment:

  1. The mayors and citizens of those cities were likely delighted that outlying communities will be paying a chunk of those taxes, and not benefiting from additonal services, so I am not surprised they went along with it

    As to first nations vetoes?? There is a HUGE differance between having a say in the discussion --- and simply shutting down many if not all projects that get proposed
