Wednesday, January 11, 2012

BC Premier makes announcements on Community Grants...

Courtesy of the Government of British Columbia:

Changes to the way community gaming grants are awarded will help ensure non-profit organizations have greater certainty and support in the vital work they do, announced Premier Christy Clark today.

Through an open public engagement process, we heard from more than 1,700 British Columbians about what we can do to improve our gaming grant system,” said Premier Clark. “We listened and we’re taking action. Community gaming grants will be made available to more groups so they can focus on what they do best – delivering essential services to B.C. families.”

In July, Premier Clark appointed Skip Triplett – former Kwantlen Polytechnic University president – to lead the Community Gaming Grant Review. The primary goal of the independent review was to get advice on how to improve the governance and funding formula for community gaming grants.

In response to Mr. Triplett’s report on the review, which provides 16 options for consideration, the Province will reinstate funding eligibility for adult arts and sports organizations, environmental groups and animal welfare agencies (see more information here). The Province will also increase support for other organizations that have experienced funding reductions in the past three years, including those responsible for fairs, festivals, youth arts and culture, community service, the B.C. Senior Games and community education organizations.

In addition, government will continue to work on streamlining the application process for grants, including exploring options for introducing multi-year funding in the coming years.

“Non-profits do tremendous work for British Columbians. In some smaller communities, they are the sole service providers, ensuring B.C. families have access to important resources that improve their quality of life,” said Ida Chong, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. “By investing more in our non-profits, we’re investing in stronger communities, healthier families and a more culturally diverse British Columbia.”

“I applaud the work of Skip Triplett, Chair of the Community Grant Review, and thank Premier Christy Clark and Minister Ida Chong for this very timely policy decision,” said Norman Armour, executive director, PuSh International Performing Arts Festival. “Reinstating adult arts within the eligible criteria for Provincial Gaming support recognizes the important role that the arts play in the lives of British Columbians. The social profit arts in B.C. are a remarkably vibrant and resourceful sector; the news of this investment will have a profoundly positive and lasting effect.”

Read Mr. Triplett's full report here

Editor's Note - glad to see the Province correcting a wrong - meanwhile Cariboo Regional District Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley said this on Facebook:

Great news for non-profits previously cut from gaming, and ongoing stability for volunteer fire departments and others who were uncertain about the future! Unfortunately, still no capital money and no change for First Nations eligibility

While I share Director Sorley's concern about capital funds for non-profits, she raises an interesting point about First Nations' eligibility... as First Nations can not be taxed by either local government or Victoria as they are a child of the "Federal Crown" - should First Nations be permitted to apply to the same Community Grants Process that non-profits apply to or, in my opinion, should a new Fund be established for First Nations Non-Profits....?

Over to you, my readers....

Update - BC Conservative Regional Director (and my uncle) Alan Forseth today (Thurs Jan 12th) writes a highly critical piece of BC Premier Christy Clark on this subject which you can read here

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