Friday, January 13, 2012

End of Week News Review - Jan 13th edition

a) New Community Policing Programs in Williams Lake are in place - see here (Tribune) and here (Welcome to Williams Lake)

b) Woodland Dr residents respond after a grant to install Water/Sewer services in that area was rejected - see here (Tribune), and here (Rush) 

c) Percy Guichon re-elected as Alexis Creek Band Chief - see here (Welcome to Williams Lake) and here (Tribune)

d) Predator control business wins appeal to get renewed permit - see here (Tribune) and here (Welcome to Williams Lake)

e) Local Sportsmen club raises very serious concerns about a TNG (Chilcotin National Gov't) proposal for local roads on their territory - read here

f) Editorials/Weekly Columns in Thursday's WL Tribune include call to help reduce stats on violence against both men and women - read here and Independent Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson's view on 21st value-added forestry - read here

g) Letters to the editors include mine calling for more inclusive budget process in Williams Lake - read here (Note - I wrote the letter prior to the City announcing its' 2012 Budget Process.  If it doesn't get the public out then we'll need to tweak the process somehow including looking at using the "World Cafe" model employed during the 2008 Municipal General Election in Williams Lake). Another letter discusses tax burden could lead to obese individuals - read here and finally - former anti-HST crusader Eric Freeston takes BC Finance Minister to task over his new arrangement with Ottawa over the $1.6 Billion forwarded to implement the HST - read here

Finally in Lillioet - things in that little town get stranger by the day.  Listen to an interview by a well respected management consultant George Cuff after he completed a review of practice/procedures of the District of Lillioet in 2010 - interview here.  As well, Vancouver Sun columnist Daphne Bramham looks at this topic and suggest Victoria should review governance for the District of Lillioet given the huge mistrust between voters' and its' elected/appointed representatives at Lillioet District Hall - read Ms. Bramham's column here

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