Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First News Wrap of 2012...

Welcome to 2012!

I hope my readers' had a relaxing holiday break but now it is onward with 2012...

In Quesnel:

Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar attempted to have Quesnel Council reconsider the 2.4% pay increase.  However, he failed to draw a seconder so his motion failed.  Meanwhile - Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom chided him (and appropriately) for springing this motion at the last minute without appropriate background information available for those not present at the Nov 28th Quesnel Council meeting where this was discussed

In Williams Lake:

* Cariboo Lodge study to review housing needs for Central Cariboo-Chilcotin area - see here
* Dog Creek Rd area hit by thieves - see here
* John Dressler from the local Council of Canadians takes exception to a recent Williams Lake Tribune editorial regarding the Dec 8th TNG meeting on the "New Prosperity" mine proposal - see here
* Finally - local seniors' advocate Audrey MacLise expresses concerns about the rising MSP Premiums in 2012 - see here.  In fact, I wholeheartedly agree with Audrey when she calls for a wholesale review of the Canada Health Act.  The Act was written in a different time period then today where technology/medicine are key cost drivers in our health care system, contrast than to when the Canada Health Act  was first introduced in December of 1983 when health care, generally speaking, had a different vision and serve a different population base than today

In 100 Mile House:

* CRD Chair (and Area 'G' Director) Al Richmond reviews his 2012 Resolutions - see here
* Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett looks forward to 2012 - see here
* Youth want a say on the future of health care - see here
* BC Citizens for Green Energy supports BC Hydro Smart Meters - see here

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