Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 3rd meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel

Budget 2012 underway

Council took a first look at some preliminary Budget 2012 numbers. To get the process rolling, staff prepared what is commonly referred to as a "status quo" budget. This means the budget is prepared based on maintaining existing service levels and taking items such as inflation into consideration. This status quo budget would currently result in a 3.6% tax increase to the average home owner in Quesnel, or about $23. There are many variables for Council to consider going forward, such as adding funding to various reserve accounts (like the Quesnel Works: Capital Reinvestment Program), tax shifting (moving taxation away from major industry, who contribute about 62% of the City's taxes collected), and exploring new revenue ideas. As a result, this initial budget is really just a starting point for Council.
The first official budget meeting takes place on Monday Feb. 6 beginning at 6 p.m. The formal public input session is on Monday Feb. 27 at 7 p.m., but public input is welcomed throughout the process.

Assessment Notices on the way

BC Assessment has sent its 2012 assessment notices and an overview of the changes in Quesnel was provided for Council. The average change to assessments was a decrease from $164,260 in 2011 to $161,732 or -1.5%. The neighbourhood with the greatest increase was West Quesnel, where the average property increased from $98,846 to $101,276 (2.5%). the largest decrease was in South Quesnel, where the average value dropped from $258,067 to $249,841 (-3.2%).

While this information is preliminary (the final numbers are released in March), it provides critical input as the City prepares its 2012 budget.

Shiraoi Mayor sends regards

Council received a letter from the newly-elected Mayor of Quesnel's sister city Shiraoi, Japan, Yasuhiko Toda. In the letter, Mayor Toda expressed his gratitude to the people of Quesnel for last year's fundraising efforts (which raised more than $20,000) in the wake of the devastating earthquake and tsunami. He praised the 30-plus-year twinning relationship and looks forward to the next visit from a Quesnel delegation.

City receives $100,000 grant

The City will continue its Integrated Community Sustainability Planning after receiving a $100,000 grant from the Innovations Fund of the Gas Tax Agreement. The funds will support the our Quesnel: Sustainability in Action program. The City did not receive a grant from the General Strategic Priorities Fund for proposed improvements at the Quesnel Regional Landfill. Staff did advise Council that a plan for the landfill improvements using other Gas Tax funding will be presented during the budget process.

Other News

The City will write off a claim from ICBC for a little more than $34,000 following a private vehicle crash that damaged City property. Accounting standards dictate that the City must write the amount off. Council, however, directed staff to continue pursuing the matter and working towards having the funds paid to the City by ICBC.

Council awarded its fuel tender for 2012. Suncor was the lowest bidder at $1.0579/litre for gas and $1.1693/litre for diesel. This contract was awarded for a one-year period and Council directed staff to investigate longer-period tenders to take advantage of lower cost opportunities.

Council received the final building permit report for 2011. While the total number of permits dipped from 151 in 2010 to 139 in 2011, there was some good news. Residential, commercial and Industrial permit values were all greater in 2011 than 2010.

Important Dates

January 21 - Ag & Hort Leap - A conference for agriculture and horticulture businesses, organizations and individuals. North Cariboo Community Campus, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday January 10 at 5:30 p.m.
Next Regular Council Meeting: Monday January 16 at 7 p.m.
Next Committee of the Whole/Delegation Meeting: Monday January 23 at 7 p.m.
Next Budget 2012 Meeting: Monday Feb. 6 at 6 p.m.

The above 4 meetings occur in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street)

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