Friday, January 20, 2012

Who is the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee

Going through my blog stats - some are looking for details around the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee. (CCRAC) ...

To begin - the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee is:

The Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee will act in an advisory capacity to the Cental Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee and Williams Lake City Council with items referred from Joint and/or Council with respect to the development of recreation facilities and delivery of recreation services in the Central Cariboo Recreation/Leisure Services Area.

You can read the terms of reference for this Committee here

The current members are:

a) CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley
b) WL City Councillor Ivan Bonnell
c) SD #27 Zones 6/7 Trustees Dr. Doug Neufeld/Joyce Cooper
d) Steve Forseth, Ryan Lucas and Dave Reedman as the City of Williams Lake reps on the Committee
e) Ron Bisaro as the CRD Area 'E' rep
f) Talia Bapiste as the 'Youth' rep

Staff support includes Geoff Paynton (City of WL Director of Community Services) and CRD Manager of Community Services Darron Campbell

There are currently two vacancies on the Committee - a rep from CRD Areas 'D' and 'F' - if you are interested in serving on CCRAC/Pool Task Force - contact CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff here and CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley here for further details

At the direction of the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee - the CCRAC is presently serving as the "Pool Task Force" and at last night's CCRAC meeting, the Task Force agreed to recommend PERC as the consultant to engage the public on the future direction of the Sam Ketchum Pool.  This recommendation will be provided to WL Council at its' Feb 7th, 2012 meeting for formal approval.  Note - I personally agreed to go with PERC as I felt that the public discussion around the pool and possible future direction around the local Recreation Complex was better suited with PERC as they wrote the 2001 Master Recreation Plan when Ivan Bonnell and his Council was in charge during the 1999-2002 term and the Central Cariboo region may need to have that broader discussion around the future of the Sam Ketchum Pool, the Cariboo Memorial Complex, an Indoor Turf Facility and a Performing Arts Centre in one building, rather than in multiple buildings and how would that occur - all at once or in mulitiple phases.  This is the "honest conversation" that Central Cariboo residents, like you and me, will need to have during 2012

CCRAC/Pool Task Force meetings are generally open to the public to observe and if you have an interest in the future of the Sam Ketchum Pool - I encourage you to watch/observe

If you have any questions on what CCRAC/Pool Task Force is up to, please feel free to contact me either at 250-267-6725 or via email here

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