Thursday, January 19, 2012

WL Council starts 2012 Budget Deliberations...

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

At its first 2012 budget meeting Wednesday evening, Williams Lake City Council agreed to maintain the same direction to staff in the preparation of the budget that was provided in October.

Specifically, Council agreed to maintain the same four priorities for the 2012 budget and five-year financial plan:

1) Adjust tax distribution between B.C. Assessment Authority classifications – Research other methods of taxation distribution between classes that will bring current tax rates more in alignment with provincial municipal taxation rate averages
2) Develop capital infrastructure plan – Review capital infrastructure needs and develop long term plan for financing future capital projects including continuation of a pavement management plan
3) Pursue most efficient and cost saving measures in delivery of municipal services – Continue to review departmental services and implement procedures & processes to reach maximum efficiency and effectiveness of services.
4) Tax Rate Scenarios – Provide tax rate increase options between 2 – 3% throughout the 5-year Financial Plan.

In addition to those priorities, Council expressed the need for long-term planning, which includes reducing spending,” Mayor Kerry Cook says. “Staff have already been directed to reduce operational spending, and the operations budgets have been reduced 3% from last year.”

Council received an overview of the budget process and timeline, property assessments, tax distribution and rates, reserves, and debt management. At its next budget meeting Jan. 31, Council will discuss the legislative budget, the preliminary 2012 operating and capital budgets, the preliminary 2012-2016 Financial Plan. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in City Council Chambers. The public is welcome to that meeting, as well as the next scheduled meeting on Feb. 14, when surplus, reserves, and tax rates will be discussed.

Under the Community Charter, the City’s financial plan and property tax rates must be adopted by May 15th of each year.

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