Saturday, February 4, 2012

Business at Feb 7th WL Council...

On Tuesday - your Williams Lake City Council will be considering the following major items:


1) Mary Forbes, of the City's Heritage Advisory Committee, will inform Council of "Heritage Week" events in the City from Feb 20th - 26th

2) Cariboo Potter Guild to appear to promote the "Empty Bowl Event" fundraiser on Feb 14th from 11am - 3pm - see more details here


1) Alan Madrigga (Manager of Economic Development) will report to Council the cost to implement the BEAS (Business Expansion/Attraction Strategy) Recommendations will total $122,000, of which $75,000 is part of the Economic Development 2012 Draft Budget and Mr. Madrigga is seeking an additional $45,000 to fully fund the BEAS Strategies in 2012.  See his report here.  In the meantime - Staff are recommending to Council that Staff proceed with the items that require "Staff time" and refer the budget request for $122,000 to the 2012 Budget Process.  See my previous thoughts on this topic here

2) Council will receive a report from the City's Administrator Brian Carruthers regarding the new Local Government Auditor-General - see here

3) Council is set to approve DVP #1-2012 (WL Seniors' Village).  The City's Advisory Planning Commission has recommended that DVP #1-2012 be approved.  Meanwhile - Council will receive a DVP application to set aside a portion of the City's Zoning Bylaw to allow the construction of a deck - see the application here

4) Council is set to approve, at the request of the City's Manager of Water/Sewer, 3 readings to a bylaw to approve new Bulk Water rates for the Bulk Water station at the Stampede Grounds.  See the report here.  The bulk water rate for the Stampede Ground station will be $0.01 per litre of water.  Anyone using the bulk water station will have to get an "ATM card" from City Hall in order to use the station

5) Lilliana Dragowska will report out on an implementation plan for the City's new OCP/ICSP -
Some of the items she recommends be considered going forward include:

a) Work on Universal Water Metering - In principle, I agree with it however the residents, sooner or later, should have their say if they wish this or not and the sooner this is done the better.  Water Meters, like BC Hydro's Smart Meter, should not be thrust onto residents' but at the request of the residents' because it is what they want.  There is evidence out there already that Water Meters are not the panacea or only answer to our water conversation issues...

b) City-wide Transportation Plan - this I agree with as it will allow for future planning for all transportation needs, be it walking, biking, transit or conventional vehicle

See her full report here

6) Council is set to approve a recommendation to approve PERC as the consultant to engage the public around the future for the Sam Ketchum Pool - see the staff report here.  Meanwhile - WL Junior Council is asking for two seats on the Pool Task Force, that is already 16 members' strong, that already includes 1 young person in Talia Baptiste, a member of Junior Council herself.  See the staff report here

7)   Progress Report on Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay - see here

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