Friday, February 3, 2012

Wells, Quesnel and WL Councils' meet next week

3 Municipal Councils' meet next week as follows:

Monday, Feb 6th - City of Quesnel:

Preliminary 2012 Operations Budget Review (Finance Committee of Whole - Quesnel Council)
Meeting takes place at 6:00pm in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)

See the Agenda/Reports here

Tuesday, Feb 7th - District of Wells:

Regular Meeting that takes place at 7pm in Wells Council Chambers (4243 Sanders Ave)

Tuesday, Feb 7th - City of Williams Lake:

Regular Council Meeting that takes place at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St)
See the Agenda/Reports here

Editor's Note - I'll be looking at upcoming WL Council Agenda Items on Saturday..

Other Notes:

1) A reminder that the Winter Carnival in Quesnel takes place tomorrow (Sat Feb 4th) from 1pm - 5:30pm at the West Fraser Timber Park - see more details here/here.  No cost to attend.  Also find the North Cariboo Multi-Centre "Colouring Sheet" as part of the North Cariboo Multi-Centre Fundraising efforts here

2) On Sunday, Feb 5th - there is the "Family Fest 2012", a joint effort by "Success by 6" & "Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy" from 10am - 2pm at the Marie Sharpe Elementary Gym (260 Cameron St in Williams Lake).  No cost to attend - see more details here

3) According to Quesnel City Manager John Stecyk, in explaining the 2012 City of Quesnel Supplementary Budget Items - he noted the following:

1) City of Williams Lake 2011 Legal Budget - $150,000
2) Cariboo Regional District 2011 Legal Budget - $200,000

Total City of WL/CRD 2011 Legal Budgets - $350,000

Thought - if the City of WL/CRD are spending this much on legal fees in 1 year - what about the idea about either jointly sharing 1 legal firm and paying fees to that effect, based upon a mutally agreed to formula or jointly hiring a lawyer for City of WL/CRD use, again, salary paid to be based on mutally agreed-to formula...


1 comment:

  1. Good idea. Sharing a legal firm between the city and crd would probable give barganing power for a lower rate.
    Hiring 1 lawyer on staff however would most likely not be in taxpayers interest. Lawyers as most professions have areas of expertise and it is not ideal to have a lawyer versed in property and development to do claims of neglegence, etc... When dealing with these complicated legal issiues you need an expert so that one can be absolutely sure things are done right. A bigger law firm would have experts in each area to be used as needed. Law firms also have students and assistants to help with the work so it is not all billed out at the top rate. The city/crd would have to put an addition on to city hall to accomodate this new legal department. I can see the expenses piling up!!!! Please no!
