Saturday, February 25, 2012

Major Changes to SD #27 Agenda forthcoming...

At their Tuesday meeting - the Board of Education for School District #27 will be making some dramatic changes to its' Agenda Structure as follows:

Meeting time - At 6:30pm, down from 7:00pm


a) Call to Order
b) Approval of Agenda
c) Approval of Minutes
d) Receipt of Closed Meeting Report
e) Public Participation (no longer than 30 minutes)
f) Action Items
g) Discussion Items
h) Information Items
i) Public Participation continued... (no longer than 15 minutes and must complete before 10:30pm to allow the Board to adjourn)
j) Adjourn

Under Public Participation - there will be 2 periods (1st period of 30 mins and 2nd period of 15 mins) to address the Board.

Read the New Procedure Bylaw here and the New Public Participation Policy here

I fully applaud the Board of Education for School District #27 for this initiative and I only wish Williams Lake City Council/Cariboo Regional District Board had something like this for their meetings...


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