Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update Story - Use of Breathalyzers' in School District #27

Yesterday - I wrote on my own thoughts around use of breathalyzers' in School District #60 (Fort St John) and work being done on policy regulating use of them in School District #73 (Kamloops) - read that here

I also noted that on Friday, Feb 17th - I wrote to Diane Wright (Superintendent of Schools - School District #27) requesting information on use of breathalyzers' in School District #27

Since then - I wrote to the Board of Education for School District #27 yesterday (Feb 24th) on this subject and requested that they formally look into this issue and consider referring this to their Policy Committee & in addition requesting a report from their Superintendent (D. Wright) on this subject - you can read my letter to the Board here

Finally - I received a response from Diane Wright on my email inquiry on Feb 17th late yesterday as follows:

Good day Steve,
I have been reviewing me email correspondence this afternoon. I see that you have sent a letter regarding this matter to the Board of Education chair. Therefore, I will not reply as your question has been forwarded. Diane

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