Friday, February 3, 2012

New Tool for 'Customer Service' at City of WL/CRD

Very recently - I ran into a portion of the BC Transit website entitled 'Customer Service Report' where you can do report the following (see more details here):

• Commendation
• Compliment
• Inquiry
• Complaint
• Suggestion

Further, the page allows you to leave your contact info so that someone can follow up with you.

Given this could be a very powerful tool to ensuring that both the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District deliver the very best local government services to the people who pay for those services - I pitched this idea to both the City of Williams Lake & Cariboo Regional District's Chief Administrative Officers' (CAO)

Brian Carruthers, CAO for the City of the Williams Lake, responded back with:

Thanks for your suggestion Steve. We’ll keep it in mind when we make changes to the web site in the future

Editor's Note - Mr. Carruthers did send a copy of his remarks to his IT Manager, Tom Chung

Meanwhile - Janis Bell, CAO for the Cariboo Regional District, responded back with:

hi Steve - i think it is a great idea and will pass it on to communications. Thanks.

I look forward, one day, to seeing this idea fully implemented by the City of Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District, in the future....


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