Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reaction to 2012 BC Budget...

Well, it didn't take long for the reaction to the 2012 BC Budget to come out:

NDP -- Thanks to Kevin Falcon to not announcing the Budget at CKNW

BC Conservative Party -- Falcon/Clark deliver "NDP Budget" - read full press release here

Canadian Taxpayers Federation -- 'Two steps forward, one back" - read more here

BC Teachers' Federation - Education budget cut by $100 million, after factoring in inflation

Be sure for more reaction in the days ahead....


Donna Barnett on 2012 BC Budget: (Courtesy of the Rush/Wolf)

“I think a good thing about the budget is we know the times we are in, we when we look at Greece, the European Union countries, the United States, Ontario even, and we’re very fortunate we’re in as good a financial condition as we are for a province.”

Barnett says she isn't upset MSP premiums will go up another 4% saying we get good value for our money on that front.

She says she's also pleased the government will freeze and conduct a review of the carbon tax this summer.

More reaction, via Vancouver Sun, here

Bob Simpson on 2012 BC Budget (Courtesy of the Rush/Wolf):

It's a sign of the times but the devil's in the details.

That was Bob Simpson, Cariboo-North Independent MLA's reaction to today's budget: “some of the critics are saying it is probably the most deeply restrained budget since the 1980’s so we’re seeing quite a hit to the public sector and we’re also seeing some passing on of some costs with increases to the MSP.”

Simpson says the main thrust of the spring session will be to get past the political speeches and to dig down into the details.

He says he'll be paying particular attention to the natural resource ministries and to make sure senior's issues are addressed.

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