Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Feb 21st Meeting

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Absent: Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Alan Madrigga – Manager of Economic Development
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services
Melissa Barcellos – Events and Marketing Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of Feb 7th WL Council Meeting adopted


1) Mayor Cook, on behalf of WL Council, presented “Certificate of Merit” Awards to Kayla Moleschi, Abrie Kilian, Glen Rogers and Katharina Koppe
2) Mayor Cook presented a “Community Spirit Certificate” to Mary Forbes
3) Charlotte Duggun and Diondra Hurd from the local Boys/Girls Club (Keystone Club) appeared before Council to discuss February 29, 2012 as Pink Shirt Day - "Bullying Stops Here" and presented members of WL Council with Pink “Bullying Stops Here” t-shirts


1) Council adopted 2 Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Recommendations as follows:

a) 2012 Joint Committee Meeting Schedule adoption
b) Revised Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee be referred to Committee of the Whole for discussion

2) After receiving no public input (and a recommendation to proceed from the City’s APC) – Council approved DVP #3-2012

3) Council referred DVP #4-2012 (Mark Penney) to the Advisory Planning Commission for review/recommendation. Council will consider this DVP at its’ March 6th, 2012 meeting

4) Council received for information a report from the Marketing/Events Coordinator re: mountain bike tourism in/around Williams Lake. Council also received a letter from NDIT (Northern Development Initiative Trust) advising of funding approval of up to $5,425 toward the 'Pinkbike Marketing Campaign'. A letter of appreciation will be sent on behalf of Mayor and Council to NDIT

5) Council adopted Bylaw #2142 (Bulk Water Station - Water Rate). Councillor SPS Rathor opposed

6) Council adopted 7 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) 2012 NCLGA Draft Resolution on Federal / Provincial Infrastructure Funding and Program Criteria - read the full Resolution here

b) Council nominate Councillor Surinderpal S. Rathor as a Regional Director on the NCLGA Executive to represent the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo region; and his nomination be forwarded to the Cariboo Regional District Board for consideration.

c) Council review and approve the recommendations from the Bylaw Review Advisory Committee regarding the draft "Williams Lake Sign Bylaw No. 1121" and Staff be directed to proceed with a public consultation process prior to the formal Bylaw readings process being initiated.

d) The request of the Social Planning Council for a Fee for Service ($5,000) be referred to the 2012 budget process. This matter has now been dealt with by WL Council at its’ Feb 14th Budget Meeting, by way of approval of this item into the City’s 2012 proposed Budget

e) The Social Planning Council be invited to present at a future Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting; and the Cariboo Regional District be encouraged to give consideration to the creation of a Social Planning Function for joint funding of local and regional social development programs.

f) Council approve Boitanio Park Option "A" as the dog park location; and further, this item be referred to the 2012 budget process. – Councillor Danica Hughes opposed

Mayor Cook declared a personal conflict of interest on the next item as she is a resident of Woodland Drive. Acting Mayor Danica Hughes assumed the Chair at 6:51pm

g) Council authorize Staff to investigate and recommend a process to engage the Woodland Drive residents in a workshop to discuss the options available to the Woodland Drive residents & Council with respect to the provisions of water and sewer services for Woodland Drive.

Mayor Cook reassumed the Chair at 7:06pm

7) Council received a letter from UBCM regarding final grant payment in the amount of $5,123.78 for completion of the White Road fuel treatment project. A letter of thanks will be forwarded to UBCM

8) Council gave permission for the local Health & Stroke Foundation for BC/Yukon Coordinator to place balloons and decorations along the route, as proposed. Council & City Staff will be encouraged to enter a Big Bike team and raise funds for vital heart and stroke research.

9) Council received the Jan 25th meeting minutes of the Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee

10) Council declared 2 Proclamations, as follows:

a) Community Social Services Awareness Month – March 2012
b) Kidney Health Month – March 2012

11) Late Item – Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the Williams Lake Indian Band in their application to the Federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs “Community Economic Development Program” for their Coyote Rock development (infrastructure upgrades)

12) Council received the “Council Information Package” as of Feb 21st, as follows:

• January 2012 - Barkerville Historic Town 2012 Schedule of Events & Board of Directors - read here
• January 2012 - Order of BC Call for Nominations 2012 - read here
• January 2012 - Pitch-In BC re Operation Clean Sweep & Pitch-In Week 2012 - read here
• February 2012 - Canadian Cancer Society re Relay for Life 2012 - read here
• February 2012 - NDIT News Release re Expansion of Programs & Funding to Support Burns Lake Recovery - read here
• February 3, 2012 - TRU Williams Lake re TRU GRIT Fundraising Gala on March 31, 2012 - read here
• February 10, 2012 - 2015 Canada Winter Games Media Release re 3-Year Out Milestone - read here

Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm

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