Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Poll shows BC NDP in lead...

Earlier tonight - Justason Market Intelligence released a poll showing public support of provincial political parties as follows:

BC NDP - 45% support (up from 43% in 2009 BC General Election)
BC Liberals - 31% support (down from 46% in 2009 BC General Election)
BC Conservatives - currently at 14% support
BC Greens - steady support at 8%
Others - 2% (down from 4% in 2009 BC General Election)

See full technical details on the poll here

It is clear to both myself and Justason Market Intelligence (I agree with their conclusion of their poll) that rising support for BC Conservatives' have hurt BC Liberals' chances of re-election next year (also - it doesn't help with considerable policy/governance mistakes)

With an provincial election just over 14 months away - unless numbers change fast - it is clear, thanks to rapid rise in BC Conservative fortunes that the BC NDP will become government in May of 2013 and the only question to be answered is Who will be the NDP's Opposition - BC Liberals or BC Conservatives

Finally - there was talk on Twitter earlier this past week about an idea that the BC Liberals would quickly dump Christy Clark for someone else to improve their election chances in 2013.  At this point - there is no public evidence of this but I'm not sure at this point that a change in leader for the BC Liberals' would change the minds of voters - I've said before and I'll say again -- HST was a mistake on the BC Liberals' part and it'll probably be why BC Liberals' will take a "time-out" in Opposition.  Besides which - unlike in Alberta where the Progressive Conservatives' (1 Party) have ruled for the last 30+ years, BC Governments have consisted of both NDP/Social Credit or BC Liberal Parties over the same time period (2 Parties)


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