Saturday, March 17, 2012

Upcoming WL Council Business... Tues March 20th

1) City of Williams Lake to apply for 2012 "Economic Development Association of BC" Award - see details here

2) Mayor Cook is being recommended to attend 'Cities Fit for Children' Provincial Summit' in Kamloops (see here) while Staff is being recommended to attend the BIABC (Business Improvement Association of BC) AGM in Nanaimo, BC (see here/here)

3) WL Council is set to dissolve its' own Advisory Planning Commission - read here/here.  I also blogged on this matter earlier this year - read here.  Also - read the Kelowna Capital News story about the dissolution of the Advisory Planning Commission - City of Kelowna here.  With the dissolution decision to be formally approved Tuesday - only the Cariboo Regional District will have Advisory Planning Commissions' as Quesnel, 100 Mile and Wells do not have APC's at present.  Also - after dissolution of Williams Lake's APC, the only Committees' that WL Council will have are:

a) Heritage Advisory Committee
b) Accessibility Committee

I don't believe dissolution of the City of Williams Lake Advisory Planning Commission is in the City's best strategic interest and in reading the Staff report - it seems not enough effort went into ensuring attendance of APC Members' occurs.  For example, what about evening meetings of the City's APC and could that help ensure quorum of APC Meetings' occur like occurs now with the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' APC and other 'brainstorming sessions' with current City of WL APC Members to ensure their attendance... but sadly, I feel that dissolution will occur at the end of the day...

4) A number of Pool Task Force-related items to be ratified by Council

a) Pool Task Force Terms of Reference - read here
b) WL Junior Council reps on Pool Task Force - read here
c) Appointments to Pool Task Force - read here/here

Finally - WL Council will receive a letter from provincial Community Services Ida Chong on municipal taxation/infrastructure funding - read here

It seems if the move of Station House Gallery is to proceed in the near future then local taxpayers' will have to foot 100% of the bill as I don't see any hope of a grant for this project in the near future until Ottawa/Victoria solves their budget dilemma's which won't happen until 2014 (Victoria) and 2015/2016 (Ottawa)

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