Thursday, April 19, 2012

BC NDP Wins in Port Moody & Chilliwack

As I privately thought would occur (and based on previous BC Political History in by-elections) - the BC NDP won the two by-elections in both Port Moody-Coquitlam & Chilliwack-Hope:

I extend my congradulations to the winners in both by-elections and those who were defeated.  We are all winners by offering ourselves up for election - regardless if it is for local, regional, provincial, or federal elected offices.  More choices = healthier democracy :)

In Port Moody - Coquitlam:

With 126 of 126 Polling Stations reporting...

Joe Trasolini (BC NDP) - 6,070 votes (or 54.36% of all votes cast)
Dennis Marsden (BC Liberals) - 3,377 votes (or 30.24% of all votes cast)
Christine Clarke (BC Conservatives) - 1,720 votes (or 15.40% of all votes cast)

In Chilliwack - Hope:

With 124 of 126 Polling Stations reporting...

Gwen O'Mahony (BC NDP) - 5,499 votes (or 41.34% of all votes cast)
Laurie Throness (BC Liberals) - 4,273 votes (or 32.12% of all votes cast)
John Martin (BC Conservatives) - 3,396 votes (or 25.53% of all votes cast)

Final Analysis:

As you can see above - had the BC Liberals/BC Conservatives run one candidate between them - the BC Liberals would have easily won Chilliwack - Hope but still would have lost to the NDP in Port Moody-Coquitlam

Meanwhile - Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun reports that because of the 2 NDP wins in Port Moody and Chillwack tonight - this may stir up discussions about one "free enterprise" party in BC prior to May of 2013.  Read his article here.  If it doesn't happen before then - it is virtually guaranteed that the BC NDP under Adrian Dix will become government

Finally - I don't expect much change in the final result between initial count (tonight) and when the final count starts on April 30th

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