Friday, April 20, 2012

County style government for South Cariboo??

At their regular meeting on Monday - the South Cariboo Joint Committee (made up of the Council of 100 Mile House and the CRD Directors' for Areas G, H and L) will receive a delegation of Maureen Pinkney, Rick Takagi and Tom Bachynski from the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce in which Ms. Pinkney and Mr. Bachynski/Takagi will ask the Joint Committee to support a "Country-style" governance model for the South Cariboo

In support of their application - they note that there would be administrative and cost savings to switch from a two level government system (municipal & regional) to one 'county-based' governance model.  Cost savings would apply as well, if the Central Cariboo and North Cariboo sub-regions also looked at this model.  They note that this is not a "regional muncipality" system

Read the full details, in the full South Cariboo Joint Committee Agenda, here

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