Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Outcome of Apr 3rd WL Council Mtg

Last night saw sparks fly between WL City Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Surinderpal Rathor on a couple of fronts:

1) Alternate City Council appt to local Business Improvement Area

During Committee of the Whole recommendation discussions - Councillor Bourdon asked his colleagues why there was a recommendation to appoint Councillor Sue Zacharias as an Alternate Council rep to the WL BIA - it was explained that BIA wants to ensure that a Council rep is in attendance at all meetings which caused Councillor Bourdon to discuss passionately with his colleagues that he attends if there is something which BIA needs his presence.

The recommendation was adopted

2) 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan

Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to the 2012 Budget/2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan.  Pat Higgins (Director of Finance) then covered the highlights of the 2012 Budget which included a 3% tax hike and status quo City services.  Councillor Rathor then explained his reasons to vote against the 2012 Budget including being disappointed that his colleagues (without naming specific Councillors) coming into budget discussions "with a closed mind" around trying to hold the line on this year's budget which caused Councillor Bourdon to accuse Councillor Rathor of hypocrisy in that he accuses his colleagues of have a closed mind on this year's budget (no consideration of a 0% tax hike) but yet he himself had a closed mind on the budget by pushing for a 0% tax hike and an property tax hike would not be entertained

Councillor Ivan Bonnell then jumped into the debate and stated that he too would vote no to this year's City Budget and would explain further when the necessary bylaws to implement this year's 2012 Budget came forward...

Finally - Mayor Cook acknowledged that Council was divided on the budget this year but it was part of a healthy democracy at WL City Hall.  The vote for three readings of the 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw was as follows:

Yeas - Mayor Cook and Councillors Geoff Bourdon, Danica Hughes, Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias - 5

Nays - Councillors Ivan Bonnell & Surinderpal Rathor - 2

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