Tuesday, April 3, 2012

WL Council Highlights - April 3rd Mtg


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ I. Bonnell, G. Bourdon, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of March 20th WL Council approved


1) Mayor Cook presented ‘Community Spirit Certificates’ to the local White Cane Chapter and the local SPCA
2) Chief Fred Robins of the Esk'etemc (Alkali Lake) First Nations appeared before Council to give an update on the Reconciliation Project and to request an In-Kind Contribution to the Project


1) Council received a report from the Corporate Officer indicating that Council Candidate Paul Kandola did not file a campaign financial disclosure statement for the 2011 Municipal Election within the time period specified under Section 90(1) of the Local Government Act.  Should Mr. Kandola not file his campaign finance disclosure form by April 18th with a $500 late filing fee, he'll be disqualified from running as a candidate in the 2014 City of Williams Lake Local General Election

2) Council approved travel and associated expenses for the Mayor Cook’s attendance and participation at the 1st Annual BC Mayors' Caucus from May 16 to 18, 2012 in Penticton, BC

3) Council will write to the Government of BC recommending the Province appoint a member of the UBCM Executive to the 'Expert Panel' that will review municipal business taxation.

4) Council received a presentation from its’ Communications Coordinator regarding Communications efforts by the City of Williams Lake

5) Council authorized the Corporate Officer to sign the Strategic Community Investment Funds Agreement with the Province of BC, on behalf of the City of Williams Lake

6) Council received the minutes of the March 22nd & 29th, 2012 Public Budget Meetings and Council also directed Staff to commence the process of the 2013 budget cycle earlier in the fall, and that a provisional capital and operating budget supported by business
plans be completed by December 1.

7) Council approved the donation of City dump trucks to be operated by qualified volunteer union Staff for the purpose of hauling dirt for the 2012 Williams Lake Indoor Rodeo.

8) Council approved Amendment #1 to the 2011/12 BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement to reflect expansion of the Williams Lake Transit System to the Williams Lake Indian Band, effective November 1, 2011.

9) Council gave three readings to "City of Williams Lake Advisory Planning Commission Repeal Bylaw No. 2156, 2012" and letters will be sent to all standing members of the Advisory Planning Commission thanking them for their service to the City of Williams Lake - Councillor Surinderpal Rathor was opposed

10) Council gave three readings to Bylaw #2155 (Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area Amendment)

11) Council approved the Lease Assignment between Westcan Aircraft Sales & Salvage Ltd. and Arduini Helicopters Ltd., for 1,253 m2 located at the Williams Lake Regional Airport and the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Lease Assignment on behalf of the City.

12) Council awarded the two-year contract for janitorial services at City Hall, the Fire Hall and the Works Yard to Everbest Janitorial for the bid price of $68,865 for year one and $70,116 for year two. Councillor Danica Hughes was opposed

13) Council awarded the contract to complete a Housing Need and Demand Study to City Spaces Consulting for the price of $30,000, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer were authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the City.

14) Council endorsed the revised Accessibility Award of Merit criteria, as contained in the report from the Manager of Social Development

15) Council authorized a “Letter of Support” for the Island Mountain Arts’ “Phase 2 of Art is Your Business Project"

16) Council adopted two Recommendations from Committee of the Whole as follows:

a) Councillor Sue Zacharias be appointed as Alternate Council Representative to the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area.
b) Council rescind "North End Industrial Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2141, 2011" and the revised "North End Industrial Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2154" be introduced and read three times; and further, Staff be directed to post the application and application guide on the City's website.

17) Council proclaimed the following days in the City of Williams Lake:

a) April 26th – Pay it Forward Day
b) May 20th to 26th – National Public Works Week

18) Late Item - Council authorized the Corporate Officer to sign the Community Recreation Program Contribution Agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake

19) Late Item #2 - Council gave three readings to City of Williams Lake 2012-2016 Financial Plan Bylaw #2156, 2012 (3% property tax hike) - Councillors Ivan Bonnell/Surinderpal Rathor were oppposed

20 ) Council received the Council Information Package as follows:

a) March 9, 2012 - Letter from REMAX Williams Lake Realty re Cariboo Memorial Hospital Development Plan and the importance of implementing the CMH Master Plan – read here
b) March 23, 2012 - "Community Updates" c/o the Social Planning Council – read here

Meeting was then adjourned and Council convened an In-Camera meeting 

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