Sunday, May 20, 2012

2013 Provincial Election - Cariboo-North

In less than a year - the voters' in Cariboo-North will go to the polls and decide who governs them for the period of 2013-2017

Here is my take on what is likely to occur during next years' election...

Bob Simpson (unless he says different before April of 2013) will, in my opinion, seek another term as the Independent MLA for Cariboo-North.  In addition, the BC Liberals/BC NDP will also field candidates.  At one point - former Quesnel Councillor Coralee Oakes was being courted by the BC Liberals to run against Mr. Simpson.  As well, I have been informed that current Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar is considering running for the BC NDP in Cariboo-North and that Mr. Thapar may facing a challenger for the BC NDP nomination in Cariboo-North.  As well, I have been assured, like in Cariboo-Chilcotin, that the BC Conseratives' plan to field a candidate in this riding as well, but I have heard of no names and I'm uncertain if they even have a riding association established yet

Issues likely to be raised in the 2013 Election:

1) HST -- as a BC Liberal, I fully recognize/understand that this item was colossally mishandled from start to finish and likely voters' will ask what other initiatives are the BC Liberals hiding from the electorate and waiting for an election to be over before they get rolled out, like the HST was, in July of 2009, mere months after the 2009 BC General Election

2) Education -- watch for local teachers' to 'remind and refresh' voters' minds about the record of the BC Liberals' on Education (even though BC Liberals' have increased education spending to its' highest levels in many years, notwithstanding declining student numbers)

One challenge for Bob Simpson will be to get the money he needs to compete on a same level as the BC Liberals, BC NDP and BC Conservatives during next year's election as he previously had access to the BC NDP "machinery" in the 2009 Election.  If he doesn't -- his team may have to make tough choices around how to use a smaller election budget and make more use of social media (Facebook Twitter and blog).  Another question for Mr. Simpson will be -- in 2009, he ran as a BC NDP candidate, but now with him being a Independent and the BC NDP fielding their own candidate, how much of his NDP/Green base can he continue to hold in order to survive re-election.  Finally - if Sushil Thapar does, in fact, run for the BC NDP next year, how will he make himself known in the "other part" of Cariboo - North (Miocene, Big Lake, Horsefly/Likely, 150 Mile) as he is not well known in these parts but obviously in Quesnel/area, most, if not all, know about Mr. Thapar's political record as a Quesnel City Councillor

As always - I simply ask the voters' to get informed, make it to your local "All Candidates Forums" and then mark your ballot (even if you spoil your ballot) as we all need to show up and vote -- our provincial democratic system simply depends on it

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