Sunday, May 20, 2012

2013 Provincial Election - Cariboo-Chilcotin

In less than a year - the voters' in Cariboo-Chilcotin will go to the polls and decide who governs them for the period of 2013-2017

Here is my take on what is likely to occur during next years' election...

We already know that both Donna Barnett (BC Liberal) and Charlie Wyse (BC NDP) will compete for the seat again (just like in 2009) but with the rapid surgence of the BC Conservatives', the BC Conservatives' could come from behind to take this riding, but it would depend on who runs for them in this riding and whether or not they are known well enough to take votes away from Ms. Barnett/Mr. Wyse and stay on top as the winner in next year's provincial election, but make no mistake - in my discussion with BC Conservatives, they fully plan to run 85 candidates for the BC Legislature's 85 seats

Issues likely to be raised in the 2013 Election:

1) HST -- as a BC Liberal, I fully recognize/understand that this item was colossally mishandled from start to finish and likely voters' will ask what other initiatives are the BC Liberals hiding from the electorate and waiting for an election to be over before they get rolled out, like the HST was, in July of 2009, mere months after the 2009 BC General Election

2) 'New Prosperity' - it is likely that debate on this item will not end, even with a 'Yes' vote from Ottawa on this project as I fully expect local First Nations to take this matter to court for resolution.  In the meantime, I expect BC Liberals/BC NDP to firmly state their position on this subject and to accuse each other of being on the 'wrong side' on this file...

3) Education -- watch for local teachers' to 'remind and refresh' voters' minds about the record of the BC Liberals' on Education (even though BC Liberals' have increased education spending to its' highest levels in many years, notwithstanding declining student numbers)

Last time out -- Donna Barnett won this riding by a mere 88 votes.  I fully expect that close margin to be maintained and get smaller - if either Mr. Wyse or Ms. Barnett wins the riding next year

Finally - provincial blogger Alex G. Tsakumis looks at Donna Barnett's role around the 'Gang of Nine' attempting to get former BC Premier Gordon Campbell to retire - read the thought-provoking blog post here

As always - I simply ask the voters' to get informed, make it to your local "All Candidates Forums" and then mark your ballot (even if you spoil your ballot) as we all need to show up and vote -- our provincial democratic system simply depends on it

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