Thursday, May 31, 2012

BC Liberals invoke closure on Bills...again!

Like all majority governments - the BC Liberals' used their majority, again, to pass the following Time Allocation Motion by a 45-38 vote, with the vote among party lines with the 3 Independents (Bob Simpson, Vicki Huntington and John van Dongen) voting 'Nay' as well:

Pursuant to Standing Order 81.1 (2), effective immediately, all remaining stages of the following Bills shall be completed and disposed of in the order prescribed and for the duration indicated:

Second Reading of Bill (No. 47) intituled Coastal Ferry Amendment Act, 2012 (30 minutes);
Second Reading of Bill (No. 49) intituled Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2012 (30 minutes);
Second Reading of Bill (No. 56) intituled New Housing Transition Tax and Rebate Act (30 minutes);
Second Reading of Bill (No. 50) intituled Athletic Commissioner Act (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 14) intituled Workers Compensation Amendment Act, 2011 (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 53) intituled Family Day Act (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 44) intituled Civil Resolution Tribunal Act (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 46) intituled Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2012 (60 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 52) intituled Motor Vehicle Amendment Act (No. 2), 2012 (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 30) intituled Energy and Mines Statutes Amendment Act, 2012 (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 38) intituled Pension Benefits Standards Act (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 51) intituled South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Amendment Act, 2012 (60 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 47) intituled Coastal Ferry Amendment Act, 2012 (45 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 49) intituled Protected Areas of British Columbia Amendment Act, 2012 (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 50) intituled Athletic Commissioner Act (30 minutes);
Committee and Third Reading of Bill (No. 56) intituled New Housing Transition Tax and Rebate Act (45 minutes).
And further, Committee on Bill (No. 54) intituled Provincial Sales Tax Act shall be completed and disposed of by 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 31, 2012.

The House dealt with Bills 47, 49, 50, 56, 14, 53, 44, 46, and 52 yesterday, as per the Schedule above with the remaining Bills to be dealt with today, as per above

Time Allocation Motions do have their place after very considerable debate on Bills... not so in this case of the above Bills and this act will likely perpetuate the "Politics as usual" feeling among the general voting public...

The BC Legislature would do itself a very big favour and just treat all bills (government/opposition) has "equal bills" and just have members' vote on them on its' merits and allow the Select Standing Committees to review Bills (like the House of Commons and the Ontario Legislature does already) and allow regular people to come and present views on the Bills so referred to them.

Not that it'll happen anytime soon under the BC Liberals... but I did ask George Abbott when he was running in the BC Liberals 2011 Leadership Race to consider/implement such an idea, were he successful in becoming the BC Liberal Party Leader and BC Premier back then


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