Thursday, May 31, 2012

John Cummins on FN Land Claims - Part 2

Yesterday - I made mention of John Cummins' views on First Nations Land Claims which you can read here

In addition - CBC Daybreak South interviewed both John Cummins and Doug McArthur, a professor of Public Policy and Aboriginal Policy at Simon Fraser University. Mr. McArthur has been involved in land claims negotiations, and is a former Deputy Minister of Aboriginal Affairs in B.C. Mr. McArthur suggests in his CBC interview that Cummins will cause chaos in the First Nations Land Claims file, if he were elected Premier of BC next May

With the 'William' decision from the BC Court of Appeal (and likely a decision on this will be handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada) - Cummins is on the wrong side when it comes to First Nations and their Land Claims. We need to resolve them and move forward to provide land base certainty for the economy and settling land claims with BC First Nations is not only the legally right thing to do, it is also the moral thing to do

Listen to the CBC interview here

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