Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bob Simpson to host 2 Seniors' Forums

Courtesy of MLA Bob Simpson's Office:

Editor's Note - one senior in Williams Lake has brought it to my attention that the location for the Williams Lake Seniors' Forum by MLA Simpson is simply inadequate, given it is not "seniors' friendly".  I tend to agree and a better location could have been selected like the Seniors' Activity Centre or even Williams Lake City Hall, given Williams Lake Council's "love and support" for seniors' issues... perhaps next time... 

Update on Wed, May 30th at 7:30pm -- Bob Simpson tweeted me the following information late Tuesday evening:

Steve, Saw your note bout the WL location & agree. We tried to get the Seniors' Centre but the Board (for the Seniors' Activity Centre) deemed the event too political

Ombudsperson Kim Carter will join Independent MLA Bob Simpson in Quesnel and Williams Lake to discuss her recommendations for seniors' care with local residents. Simpson is hosting the two public forums on June 5th.

Simpson invited the Ombudsperson to come to the region to present her reports and recommendations on seniors' care and to listen to specific concerns from local residents. Her 176 recommendations include creating a bill of rights for seniors in residential care facilities and ensuring that people have easy access to information about these facilities.

"Over the past few years my office has seen a dramatic increase in seniors’ care issues," said Simpson, MLA for Cariboo North. "The Ombudsperson has put an incredible amount of work into investigating seniors' care in B.C., so this is an excellent opportunity for Cariboo residents to have their voices heard."

The Quesnel forum will be held on June 5th from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at the Quesnel Seniors’ Centre, 461 Carson Avenue.

The Williams Lake forum will be held on June 5th from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Pioneer Complex, 351 Hodgson Road.

"Seniors and their families are concerned about cost of living increases, a lack of sufficient and appropriate home care, and assisted living and long-term care bed shortages," said Simpson. "I hope people will take the time to hear what the Ombudsperson has to say about these critical issues. This is an important opportunity for everyone to let us know about their concerns and ideas to improve seniors’ care in the Cariboo."

Entitled The Best of Care: Getting It Right for Seniors and British Columbia, the Ombudsperson's reports are available online at

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