Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cariboo RD receives Invasive Plant funding...

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The provincial government is providing over $1.7 million in new grants to control the spread of invasive plants, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced today.

The 28 grants are being given to local governments, Regional Weed Committees and the Invasive Species Council of BC to assist their activities and support the objectives of the provincial Invasive Plant Program. This funding is in addition to the $714,000 already earmarked by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations for invasive plant control and management in 2012-13.

Regional weed committees, the Invasive Species Council of BC, local governments, provincial government ministries and stakeholders work together to raise public awareness, survey invasive plant populations and actively treat high-priority invasive plant sites to control their spread. Funding has also been granted to the Invasive Species Council of BC for provincial collaboration, co-ordination and communication, as well as establishing best management practices for invasive plants.

Regional weed committees serve as forums for land managers and other stakeholders to co-ordinate treatment activities and participate in outreach and educational opportunities. There are 12 regional weed committees around the province. The Invasive Species Council of BC is based in Williams Lake.

Invasive plants are not native to a particular ecosystem and have the potential to displace long-established species and can cause considerable economic or environmental damage. They may disrupt natural ecosystems, reduce biodiversity, increase soil erosion, alter soil chemistry and adversely affect commercial crops.

BC Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Hon. Steve Thomson said –

The B.C. government is committed to preserving wildlife habitat and protecting the interests of B.C.’s ranching and agriculture industries. When invasive plant species put those values at risk, we must take decisive action to deal with that threat. The grants that the government announced today will go a long way to support this important work.”

BC Minister of Environment Hon. Terry Lake also commented –

“This program demonstrates the government’s ongoing commitment to protecting our natural environment. Regional districts, regional weed committee volunteers and other members of the public play a vital role in controlling the spread of invasive plants in B.C. and the new funding recognizes their outstanding contributions.”

Finally Tom Wells, chair, Invasive Species Council of British Columbia –

“The ministry’s contribution for invasive plant coordination is critical not only to our council, but to the many regional committees across B.C. All of us are working to strengthen key partnerships that result in less invasive species being introduced to local environments. By stopping the spread, we reduce future ongoing management costs and resource losses and help protect our natural landscapes. Reducing the spread of invasive plants and species cannot be achieved by a single agency — we all need to work together.”

The Cariboo Regional District will receive $83,000 while the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Invasive Plant Committee will receive $36,500.

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