Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WL Council Highlights - May 22nd meeting


Mayor Cook with Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Ops (Acting CAO)
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Pat Higgins – Director of Finance
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung – Manager of IT

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm

Council approved the Agenda with inclusion of 2 late items and moving one item forward (2011 Audited Financial Statement) and approved the minutes of the May 8th WL Council meeting


1) Mayor Cook presented a ‘Letter of Appreciation’ to Captain Claudine Kadonaga and Lisa Ratz, Program Coordinator & Crisis Intervention Counsellor. Captain Kadonaga also gave Council an update as to services provided by the local Salvation Army
2) Mary Forbes gave an update to Council on activties at the Potato House
3) Inspector W. Brown of the WL RCMP and Dave Dickson (Safer Communities Coordinator) gave an update on RCMP/Community Policing activities


1) Council received and approved the 2011 Audited Financial Statements Report as presented and PMT Accounting be reappointed as Auditor of Record for the 2012 Financial Year
2) Council approved the 2012-2032 RCMP Municipal Police Unit Agreement for the City of Williams Lake

Councillor Hughes was opposed

3) Council received a report of the CAO concerning Council’s attendance at the 2012 NCLGA (North Central Local Gov’t Association) AGM in 100 Mile House
4) Council agreed to not proceed with signing the Participation Agreement offered by the Viewpoints television show in 2012; and Staff were directed to investigate television and similar media marketing opportunities for consideration in future City marketing
5) Council approved adding two additional appliances, the clothes washer and dishwasher, to the City’s high efficiency appliance rebate program
6) Council authorized execution of the acceptance of offer of licenses, management plans, certificate of insurances and the licenses of occupation for the phase 5 Storm Water Detention Pond in the Williams Lake River Valley and the adjustment for the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Right-of-Way.
7) Council awarded the engineering services for the Stormwater Upgrade Phase 5 and Energy Plant Process Outfall Replacement Projects to TRUE Consulting Group, for the amounts of $90,000 and $17,000, respectively.
8) Council gave approval for the KidSport Classic Run on June 24th, 2012
9) Council approved the new dog park location in Boitanio Park, as selected by the Community Services Committee – located by the Skate Park in Boitanio Park

Editor’s Note – after this decision and Welcome to Williams Lake put this story online (Facebook) – negative reaction from the public was swift. Comments ranged from “tax more, waste more” to “there are plenty of things that need fixing rather than a new dog park”. Read all comments at!/ and look for “More dog park discussion”

10) Bylaw #2153, 2012 (Sign Bylaw) was adopted by Council
11) Council received/adopted a recommendation from Committee of the Whole as follows:

Paragraph 1 of the Vehicle Use Policy be changed to read “employees living within City boundaries”; and further, Council approve the updated amendments to "Vehicle Use Policy No. 145"

12) Council approved the Aboriginal Day Parade on June 21st
13) Council approved a Special Liquor License for events at the WL Stampede Grounds from June 29th – July 2nd
14) Council received a press release regarding a Special Committee to look at the mid-term Timber Supply and Council will forward a letter asking the status of filling the position of Chief Forester
15) Council received a letter indicating that the 2011/12 C2C (Community to Community) Forum requirements are now complete. Council will forward a letter of thanks to UBCM
16) Council received a press release from the BC Mayors’ Caucus concerning a meeting of the Caucus last week in Penticton
17) Council adopted the following Proclamations:

2012 Stampede – June 1st to July 2nd
Local Gov’t Awareness Wk – May 20th to 26th
Legion Week – June 24th to 30th

18) Council agreed to participate in shared funding with all 16 areas of the Cariboo Regional District to fund the restoration of the Williams Creek Schoolhouse at Barkerville at a cost of $312.50 per area. Funds to come from Council’s Contigency Fund
19) Council received In-Camera Report #3-2012 from its’ May 8th In-Camera meeting to which Council approved the following:

“THAT pursuant to the report of the Manager of Transportation & Buildings dated April 23, 2012, Council terminate the janitorial service agreement with Everbest Janitorial Services for the reason of non-performance, as per Request for Proposals Section 2.3; and further, that Council award the City’s janitorial services contract to PACT Commercial and Specialty Cleaning Ltd., the next lowest priced proposal received, for the bid price of $77,899 for year one and $77,899 for year two.”

20) Council received the Council Information Package as follows:

April 12, 2012 - Thank you letter from Rick Hansen Foundation re 25th Anniversary Relay Celebration events;
April 24, 2012 - Letter from Canadian Cancer Society re Cops for Cancer Tour de North 2012;
May 3, 2012 - Letter from Minister of Justice re Victim Services Program Funding;
May 11, 2012 - CRD Board Highlights;
May 15, 2012 - UBC in Your Community - The Cariboo - Issue 1-2012.
May 22 2012-K1 (Thank You from Rick Hansen Foundation)
May 22 2012-K1 (Cops for Cancer Tour de North 2012)
May 22 2012-K1 (Ministry of Justice re WL Victim Services Program Funding)
May 22 2012-K1 (CRD May 11, 2012 Board Highlights)
May 22 2012-K1 (UBC in Your Community - The Cariboo - Issue 1-2012)

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm and after a short recess, Council resumed its' In-Camera meeting

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