Wednesday, June 20, 2012

John Cummins in Williams Lake....

Courtesy of the Rush:

BC Conservative Leader John Cummins made a visit to Williams Lake today and his message was pretty straightforward, “we’ve got to get the BC economy rolling again. We’ve got a pretty high tax regime regardless of what the Provincial Government would have you believe. Income taxes are low but when you start factoring in the Carbon Tax, MSP Premiums and so on we are the highest taxes provincial regime west of Winnipeg and that’s an issue for a lot of people.”

If elected Cummins committed to abolishing the carbon tax altogether. He also said he’s a big supporter of the mining industry, “we want to see the economy grow here, some of these mining projects moving along a little faster to fruition.”

Cummins says a successful New Prosperity mine application would help provide a big boost to the area and would provide First Nations with a fresh opportunity for employment.

Cummins so called “listening tour” will continue all week before making its way to 100 Mile House on Saturday.

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