Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My meeting w/Mayor Cook

Williams Lake City Hall
Earlier today and as I noted in previous blog posts - I had the opportunity to meet with Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook.  In our 30 minute conversation - we discussed the following:

1) Dropbox at WL City Hall
2) Correspondence Process at WL City Hall
3) 2013 Budget Process
4) 2011 Annual Report
5) Suggestions for Procedure Changes - WL Council

On #1 - she gave me her commitment to look into my concerns, namely the current dropbox at WL City Hall presents challenges to our local seniors' and those with disability challenges

On #2 - she indicated that discussions on this have been occurring internally and that a "tightening-up" of process may be forthcoming in the future

On #3 - Polite discussion occurred here but I asked that the "fundamentals" of this year's budget process (open, transparency, public engagement) be used for the basis for 2013 but that Council hash out the budget process in July/August, inform Staff, and then complete the budgeting process for 2013

On #4 - I informed Mayor Cook of my feelings that I feel the Annual Report is not in keeping with others in similar sized communities (like Quesnel/100 Mile House) including 2012 Goals, up to date Council picture, and the 2011 Audited Financial Statements.  The latest Annual Audited Financial Statements/current year goals are mandatory as per Section 99(2) of the Community Charter

On #5 - I suggested that delegations with specific requests to a specific Committee (General Governance, Planning and Ops or Community Services), rather than to Council first, then to Committee.  Delegations for updates referred to Committee of the Whole, while presentations still occur at Regular Council Meetings.  Also - prior public notification of In-Camera meetings (paper and electronic).  Finally - that a look into allowing members of the public (1 or 2) to serve on Council's 3 Committees (note - this model is already used successfully in Port Coquitlam for years now.  Members of the public on Council Committees would still be excluded from in-camera sessions as they are not sworn officials)

All in all - a very productive session, provided Mayor Cook follows up immediately with her Staff on these items...


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