Monday, June 18, 2012

My take on City of WL 2011's Annual Report

Update on June 18th at 2:26pm  - A reader has pointed out to me that the City of Williams Lake Annual Report is missing its' 2011 Audited Financial Statements, again in contrast to that in Quesnel's/100 Mile House's Annual Reports.  Section 98(2)(a) of the Community Charter, in this regard, says:

The annual report must include the following:

(a) the audited annual financial statements referred to in section 167 (4) [of the Community Charter] for the previous year;

Again - I'll raise this matter with Mayor Cook on Wednesday...

Original Blog Post:

Last week - the City of Williams Lake (City) gave notice, like its' counterparts in BC, of its' intention to adopt an Annual Report on Thursday, June 28th at 5:00pm in WL Council Chambers (requirement of the Community Charter).  You can read the City's 2011 Annual Report here

Some of the things I found, as a resident, disappointing include:

1) No picture of current Williams Lake City Council as well as up to date Council Committee Information??? Contrast that to the City of Quesnel whose 2011 Annual Report has pertinent and up-to-date information as well as its' current Council Members  - read their report here

2) No Corporate Goals for 2011-2014.  Only reference to 2008-2011.  6 months after an election.... and nothing???  Quesnel Council meanwhile included its' 2012 Corporate Goals in its' Annual Report (see above link to the City of Quesnel 2011 Annual Report)

On the positive side - there was a information item from the City's Director of Finance which is positive to hear her (Pat Higgins) talk about fiscal challenges of the City.  I'd like to see her address, in future versions, what the challenges are, in plain English, for the upcoming year and that her message in the Annual Report follow the CAO Message

Also - I wonder if the community is interested in pursuing a District Heating system (and the big bill that would bring), in light of concerns expressing as to the fiscal challenges that a upgraded Sam Ketchum Pool/Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex would bring.  Some say that the District Heating proposal (like the Dog Park) is nothing more than politicians pursuing a pet project and is not in line with taxpayers' views.  Finally - Council may try to argue that the District Heating proposal is a goal contained within the City's OCP.  While true - the OCP is just a "vision" and does not bind this and future Councils' to any suggestions contained therein as the OCP can be changed by any Council, regardless if that change is supported by the public

Like I posted yesterday on the City's dropbox - I have a meeting with Mayor Cook on Wednesday and I intend to briefly raise this subject with her on Wednesday


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