Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WL Council Highlights - June 19th meeting

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services/Corporate Officer
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Anne Burill - Manager of Social Development

WL Council adopted its' Agenda, as amended (2 Late Items), and adopted the Minutes of its' June 5th meeting


1) Mayor Cook presented a 'Certificate of Merit' Award to Kayla Moleschi
2) Patrick Newsome/Abbi Taylor presented the 'Youth Forum' Report to Council


1) Council received for information the cheque runs for the periods ending June 7th/14th

Editor's Note - Councillor Rathor raised a concern about no Council Resolution approving the City paying for 'Leaders Moving Forward' (group formed by Mayor Cook about a year ago) most recent dinner...

2) Council adopted a number of Central Cariboo Joint Committee Recommendations as follows:

a) That a working group be formed and report back to the Joint Committee on the idea of a Community Foundation - Councillor Danica Hughes was opposed

b) Council received the report of the Director of Community Services regarding the financial impact of the chlorine incident

c) Council received a report from the City's Director of Recreation Services re: 2013-2015 CMRC Fees and the proposed 2% increase for each year of the term be endorsed excluding the parking rates.

d) Council adopted a Joint Committee recommendation that a report be brought back to the Joint Committee regarding options to the parking rates in the CMRC Fees and Charges Bylaw.

e) Council adopted a Joint Committee recommendation that the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services budget and capital plan be amended to allow the temporary liquid chlorine disinfection system to be upgraded to a permanent system immediately and consideration of the installation of a UV system for the Sam Ketchum Pool be deferred to the 2013 capital budget discussions.

3) Council referred the report of Junior Council on the Youth Forum to the Community Services Committee

4) Council approved the 2011 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) as presented and the Mayor was authorized to sign Schedule 8 on behalf of Council.

5) Council authorized Staff to install a four (4) way stop sign at the intersection of Tenth Avenue and Smedley Street and Staff notify the affected property owners of the proposed change in traffic pattern, as per City Policy

6) Council awarded the contract for the inspection of City bridges to MMM Group Ltd. for a three-year term for the total price of $35,410, excluding HST

7) Council authorized entering into an encroachment agreement with 409569 B.C. Ltd., Inc. [Diamonds and Dust] for the canopy sign located at 160 Second Avenue North, with all costs of registration to be borne by the property owner.

8) Council authorized the licence of occupation agreement with Platform Properties for an off-site sign on the boulevard of Pioneer Drive for the Prosperity Ridge Commercial Park for a ten-year term at $500 per year, with eight five-year options to renew

9) Council awarded the contract for door replacement at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Stampede Glass Ltd. for the total price of $51,316.19, excluding HST

10) Council agreed to recognize the 2012 nominees for the Accessibility Award of Merit and send letters of appreciation to the Best Western Hotel, Atwood Medical Clinic and the Gendun Drubpa Buddhist Center commending them on their efforts in making their places of business more accessibly friendly for the community

11) Council agreed to provide letters of support to the local Child Development Centre for their NDI application and to the Interior Science Innovation Council to the BC Accelerator Network

12) Council recieved the minutes of the May 23rd Central Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed the recommendations contained therein (save the ones adopted by Council earlier in the meeting)

13) Council approved the 2012 Street Party (WL Central Business Improvement Area)
14) Council received 2 In-Camera Resolutions as follows:

a) Appointment of Geoff Goodall as Acting CAO to August 1st
b) Appointment of either CAO/Acting CAO as Deputy Corporate Officer

15) Late Item #1 - Council adopted Bylaw #2155, 2012 (remove requirement to furnish Audited Financial Statements to City of WL from WL Central Business Improvement Area)

16) Late Item #2 - Council authorized Mayor Cook to sign the agreement for legal services with Pushor Mitchell LLP in conjunction with the creation of a limited partnership with the Williams Lake Indian Band for the Williams Lake Community Forest.

17) Council recieved the Council Information Package (NCLGA Connector, No. 107) as of June 19th

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